Sukkah 27: Ladies Sleeping in the Sukkah

Rabbi Mordechai Koster is presently a member of the kollel at Bais Medresh Govoha in Lakewood, NJ, where he received semichah. He has...

Audio: Rav Shurkin: Are the Shevarim Straight or Tu-U-Tus?

The following shiur was delivered at Bais Medrash Kol Yehuda-Brook HillAshkenaz Shul in Lakewood, NJ, and is posted exclusively here on The shiur was given...

Rav Wosner: Standing Up For The Wife Of A Talmid Chochom

There is a mitzva to stand up for a Talmid Chochom. Chazal tell us that Eishes Chaver KiChaver, the wife of a talmid chochom...

A Basic Understanding Of The Tekios

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt One of the most important mitzvos of Rosh Hashanah is the Biblical command to blow the shofar. Although ...

Halachic Analysis of an eBay Blunder

By Rabbi Baruch Levin I partnered up with a friend of mine to purchase a wholesale lot of merchandise to sell on Ebay. The merchandise...

Rav Yehonoson Eibshitz: Respecting Your Older Sister

Rashi in Yaakov's Mussar to Shimon and Levi (Vayichi 49:5) says that it could have only been Shimon and Levi who said let's kill...

Business Halacha: Dry Cleaners and Prepaid Discounts

Q: A dry cleaners has the following price arrangement: $1 per shirt if prepaid; $1.50 if paid at pickup. Is there a violation of...

Meat and Diary: A Kosher Consumer’s Handbook

Rabbi Dovid Heber, Star-K Kashrus Administrator One of the best known halachos of kashrus is that one may not eat meat and milk together.  One...

Proper Speech in the Sukkah

Inasmuch as the holiness of the Sukkah is very great, one should limit discussions in the Sukkah as much as possible to words of...

Adar and the Daled Parshiyos

1) The Gemara (Taanis 29a-b) tells us "Mishenichnas Adar Marbim B'Simcha- when the month of Adar arrives we increase our joy" as it says...

Food Under the Bed? I’ll Sleep On That Question

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld The halacha in Yoreh Deah 117:5 says that one is not allowed to eat food that was kept under a bed overnight. Does this halacha...

Eating Milchigs On Shavuos

Many have the minhag to eat a milchige meal (and milk and honey) on Shavuos. Some eat milchig at night and fleishig...

OU Releases 3rd Manual For Checking Fruits & Vegetables

Aesthetically, or to avoid the feeling of "ugh," no one wants to eat bugs.  Jewish law takes the revulsion one step further - halacha prohibits...

Rav Wosner: Are Woman Obligated To Say Hallel On Chanuka?

Even though it is a Mitzvas Aseh SheHaZman Grama, the gemara (Shabbos 23a) says that women are obligated in the Mitzva of Ner Chanuka...

What is First On Chanukah?

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld The Gemara in Yuma, daf lamed gimmel, amud bais discusses the topic of “Ein Mavirin al Hamitzvos.” Rashi explains that one who encounters a mitzvah should not leave...

Lack of Hesped for Rochel 

By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld In Bereishis 35:19 it says that Rachel was nifteres and was buried on the road leading to Efras, Bethlehem. Why do we not find in the... Chanukah Safety Tips

First and foremost, teach your children that fire is dangerous. It can maim and ...

The Fast of the Tenth of Teves, Asara B’Teves, Today

By Rabbi Yehudah Prero The first mention that we see of the tenth day of Teves as a fast day appears in Zecharia 8:19, where...

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