Following Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s backing for child vaccinations, numerous dayonim and poskim representing the chareidi community met with health ministry officials, medical experts, and chareidi medical advisors at the Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan and spoke out against anti-vaxxers, saying they are a menace to public health.
Participants included Rav Shimon Badani and Rav Dovid Yosef of the Shas Moetzes; Rav Shlomo Zafrani of the Keter Torah Beis Din; Rav Yitzchok Eizik Landau, rov of Bnei Brak; Rav Tzvi Braverman of the Beis Din of Beitar Illit; and many others.
Also present was prominent medical advisor Rav Binyomin Fisher, chairman of the Magen Lacholeh Association, who noted that just as we rely on doctors when it comes to chillul Shabbos, we should trust them on Covid issues.
Meanwhile, following Rav Chaim’s statements regarding vaccines, his grandson and confidant Yanky Kanievsky and other relatives are receiving hate mail, telephone harassment, threats, and insults from anti-vaxxers.
Threatening notes were also sent to Rav Yehuda Cohen, rosh yeshiva of Yekirei Yerushalayim, for his encouragement of vaccines in Beit Shemesh.
{Matzav.com Israel}
Death rates and injuries from vaccines are going up like mad. unknowingly participating in the genocidal agenda of the globalists (World Economic Forum namely, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Elon Musk, just to name a few), who want to reduce the world’s population down to 1/3 by the year 2030. And these Rabbonim and leaders will have blood on their hands chas veshalom R’L. The vaccine is nothing but a bio-weapon which was manufactured long before the outbreak of covid. All that was needed was a development of a virus through gain of function research (through Fauci, Collins, & Barick) to create a pandemic in order to justify the poison clot shot for all of humanity from cradle to grave. We see the vaccine is an epic failure. It doesn’t prevent or stop transmission. Vaccinated people are getting sick and dying from covid and its variants anyway, and it’s the double & triple vaccinated that are spreading the disease and its variants. All early treatments such as hydroxychloroqine, ivermectin, budenoside, aspirin and natural supplements such as Vitamins C, D3, Zinc, Querctin have been quashed and vilified and made illegal to prescribe and administer.
You are 100% correct. The truth is out there, for anyone interested.
You are the reason normal people who don’t want to vaccinate are seen as loonies.
If the truth makes a person a loony, then count me in.
Sure it can’t be that rabbinim have a different opinion than you. Since you have some supposed unpublished study to prove 99.99% of the medical profession wrong.
There is no “some supposed unpublished” study. Check the VAERS statistics (if you even know what that is). Listen to Dr. Vladmir Zelenko, Nobel peace prize nominee for his breakthrough discoveries regarding hydroxychloroquine, or Dr. Michael Yeardon, past Pfizer VP, or Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology (if you even know what that means) or Dr. Mercola or renowned cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough, M.D., who has over 600 peer-reviewed publications to his credit, all speaking in detail about the dangers of this experimental death jab.
Fifteen autopsies were recently conducted by two world-renowned pathologists on people who had died between 2 days and 6 weeks of receiving the vaccine, but none of whom had the vaccine listed as a cause of death. 100% of them had their major organs (heart, lungs, liver) full of T-lymphocytes that had attacked their organs and killed them because the t-cells were attacking the spike protein antigens that had circulated throughout their body after being injected. It may take another year or years before the total devastation, injuries and deaths caused by this vaccine are completely known.
You are the blind leading the blind who believe anything the corrupt and politicized gov’t agencies tell them. Unfortunately, the Rabbonim have always bowed to these same “authorities” and based their psak upon them. They are just as in the dark as the rest of the sheeple who have done no investigations of their own and accept blindly what the mainstream media feeds them. In every major nation from Israel to Denmark to S. Korea, 75% of those infected with Omicron were fully vaccinated. It was the same scenario with the Delta Variant. The vaccines have ZERO efficacy after 120 days and each booster causes more mutations and weakens the natural immune system. WAKE UP!
You “seeking the emes” are a crazy fool & idiot.
I took all 3 jabs in order to comply with Rav חיים Kanievsky’s דעת-תורה and guess what:- I felt fine each time the day after, and have never had Corona.
GET VACCINATED and stop the idiocy of wicked anti vaxxers.
You ‘Seek the Emes’ from Gedolim, not from the internet. Why don’t you look up all the Holocaust conspiracies too while you’re at it. I’m sure they’re ‘peer reviewed’ and expert historians. Just stop already. If I wanted to read shtusim, there’s plenty of other websites. Just stop. Go away. We follow Gedolim, not bloggers. Just stop.
Meeting with the Death Minister or with any “expert” Pizer doctor, are meetings with salesmen. If they have not met with Dr. Zelenko, they’ve met with one of the arms of the Malach Hamovess octopus.
Why are people afraid to speak to the biggest, most honest, doctor of our times: Dr. Zev ben Leah Zelenko, may he have a refuah shelemah?
And why is Israel refusing the real cure, Ivermectin and HCQ, into their country?
If the vaccine is safe, why won’t Pfizer and the others accept liability in the event of injury or death? They signed a deal. So who will pay compensation to you or your family ? Answer : the government – which means us the taxpayers!
(Natural News) Columbia University researchers have found that the true death count from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” is substantially higher than the official figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC claims that only 20,000 people have died from Fauci Flu injections, but Columbia’s underreporting factor estimates that 20 times that number, or around 400,000 deaths, is far more accurate.
Sure whatever you read from some nonsense quack website is 100% true.
Why do you fail to mention that Hunderds of prominent Rabbonim and Gedolei Yisroel , along with several hundred world renowned Doctors and infectious disease experts , strongly renounce injecting children with the exprimental covid vaccinations ???
And adults? Are they chayev misa?
People have lost the ability to use common sense.
So where are their statements? can you get a hold of them? No, You cant.
You choose what you want to believe….
That is not to say that there aren’t any substantial critics, and sure, follow your Rav and Dr.
Two points though
1)There is literally NO ONE of repute that is pushing crazy looney conspiracy theories. There ARE some who say that better not to get it if one is from the segment that handles it well. These are two VERY DIFFERENT Ideas that shouldnt be conflated.
2) The OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of both Rabbanim and health professionals are Pro vaccination. So go ahead and follow your Madrichim. But Don’t DARE make it sound as though your on the “right side of matters”. All that does is take away any legitimacy you may have.
In the UK, if you catch Covid, you are 8 times more likely to land up in hospital if you are unvaccinated than vaccinated.
If you don’t understand how science works, then better not to comment and embarrass yourself.
If you want to begin to understand science, search for Rabbi Akiva Tatz’s talk given 10 months ago on vaccines. WARNING: if you have already made up your mind (either way), then don’t listen to the talk.
Of course, there is no distinction there between “unvaccinated” (it’s actually not a vaccine) WITH natural immunity versus without.
“In the UK, if you catch Covid …”
Those with natural immunity very rarely catch Delta.
Please do pay more attention at the back of the classroom.
To all who peddle conspiracy theories please see the facts:
In Israel and Europe most leading doctors in the medical profession, all heimishe doctors and virtually all Rabbonim, and Gedolim support vaccinations.
Since the first rounds of vaccinations, any subsequent wave of infections (with higher numbers of cases) has fortunately resulted in less hospitalization and less deaths.
On a local level I know of lots of Covid fatalities and people who are suffering from long term Covid effects. I have yet to meet any person who has died or been seriously harmed by the vaccinations. Most frum people in the UK have been immunized at least twice and this has shown itself that fortunately much less serious illness and deaths have been seen in the community. A member of our Kollel working in the biggest UK Chevra Kadisha has confirmed to me that since the introduction of immunisations, fatalities have returned to pre Covid levels.
To us in the UK it is incomprehensible to read on frum websites and blogs how many people are subscribing to these wild and weird conspiracy theories which have their origins from right-wing and neo-Nazi groups. The fact that some of these people are vilifying and threatening our Gedolim and Rabbonim is more of a reason to recognise in them the danger they are to themselves, their dependents and to Klall Yisroel.
There is a website macabim.org where medical reports from around the world from recognized medical centers are published. Why don’t you read that site and then go to the original sources. reread the articles and then comment. Don’t just repeat what the corrupt politians and media is feeding us.
There is a website macabim.org where medical reports from around the world from recognized medical centers are published. Why don’t you read that site and then go to the original sources. Reread the articles and then comment. Don’t just repeat what the corrupt Politians and media are feeding us.
Excuse me, but that website is just another in the everlasting echo chamber just republishing the same old nonsense and regurgitating the looney claims. Nothing authentic about it.
But it is important to believe some bloggers rather than 99.99% of the trained professionals in the medical community. Yeh, it’s one big conspiracy to give control to some government paper pushers, and evil big pharma.
Wait it’s also the Rothchilds behind it all, or is it George Soros?
I`m am also skeptical of them vaccine .
That being said for a healthy individual I am not sure what the downside is .
The same doctors who you consult on matters of fertility , cardio and other illnesses should be able to help you decide what to do here