Yeshiva Bochur Discovers He’s Not Jewish

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A fine masmid at one of Israel’s better-known yeshivos discovered to his horror that he was not Jewish just as he was about to begin dating.

At that juncture, his mother revealed that although his father was Jewish, she herself had never undergone conversion. Both parents are immigrants from the Ukraine. Stunned at the revelation, the bochur fled home and sat down and cried.

Chief Rabbi Yitzchok Yosef advised him to undergo a speedy conversion.

{ Israel}


  1. A posek at a Baal Teshuva Yeshiva told me that this happened a few times a year. The geirus was done privately so few people knew what transppired.

  2. Wow this article is one of the most profound and finest pieces of writing I have ever come across. Really took some talented journalism over here, guys


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