Chosson Breaks Glass Under His Chupah – And Cuts His Foot

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A chosson who got married last night in a banquet hall in Petach Tikva cut his leg when he broke the glass under the chupah.

Paramedics were called to the scene, arriving to find – to their surprise – that they were treating a chosson at his wedding!

The medics dressed the wound and, within a few minutes, miraculously, the chosson was back to rejoicing with the many guests.

The incident happened at the La Pluma Hall.

{ Israel}


  1. Two years ago, I invented a device which the chosson uses to “break the glass.” This accident is rare though not unprecedented.

  2. Two years ago, I invented a device which the chosson uses to “break the glass.” This accident is rare though not unprecedented. With my device, it is impossible for the chosson to injure himself breaking the glass.

  3. This happens when the chosson has a fancy pair of shoes with a thin sole. This isn’t the first time this has happened.
    Lesson: Sturdy shoes are more important than fancy shoes.
    With these thin soled fancy shoes, he could hurt himself at other times just while walking in the street.

  4. This happened to a relative of mine 35 years ago. The choson’s brother mistakenly stood the glass upright so it would slide away. You can guess what happened next…

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