Confederate Flag Found Tied To Door Of Jewish Museum In New York City

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A Confederate flag was discovered tied to the front door of the Museum of Jewish Heritage–A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City early Friday morning.

The museum, located in Battery Park City in Lower Manhattan, said that it has filed a police report and is working with authorities to identify those who carried out the vandalism.

“This is an atrocious attack on our community and on our institution and must be met with the swift and forceful response by law enforcement,” Jack Kliger, president and CEO of the Museum of Jewish Heritage–A Living Memorial to the Holocaust said in a statement.

“The Confederate flag is a potent symbol of white supremacy, as evidenced by the events at the U.S. Capitol this week,” he continued. “Such hate has now arrived at our doorstep, just steps away from a train car which once transported Jews to the Auschwitz death camp. These horrific acts of emboldened anti-Semitism must end now.”




  1. I always get a kick out of Ohio. I have Lee Road in Cleveland. Cincinnati has Martin Luther King Drive. Bugs me not to think a war reversed.

    But grieve if the compassion is not due. Fancy days.

  2. Jews marched with people flying confederate flags and much worse. You may have missed it on the news. Is the confederate flag. Bad thing? Trump loves it and cherishes it? Oh wait, I get it, it is both sides thing.

    • to celebrate a failed rebellion is a unpatriotic thing todo! just like storming the capital because you lost. you lose you try again next time you dont try to topple democracy. which is a fragile thing to begin with!

    • that might be but the people who wave it today are. they are the white supremacist type. its nothing but one big dogwhistle.

      • Well, that’s like saying, Lays potato chip company are not anti semitic but those who buy it are! So let’s get rid of Lays potato chips. You’re such an idiot.

  3. Last I checked the confederacy was much much less anti-Semitic if anything they were pro jewish then the union and their wicked generals who practiced barbaric war tactics and issued General order 11 to expel jews from areas in the USA, If they were alive today would be charged in the Hague for crimes against humanity.

    • way to ignore the fact lincoln set a tremendous precedent during that war to enshrine Jewish grievances are just as legitimate as anybody else. nah instead focus on a rebellion that was motivated by preserving cruel slavery because the south was unwilling to face the economic realities abolitionism would entail.
      grant also made inroads in his later years as president trying to show his regret for his action during the war regarding antisemitism

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