Congress Passes $2.3T Coronavirus Relief, Government Funding Deal

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Congress passed a sweeping year-end bill to provide long-delayed coronavirus relief and fund the government, capping off a months-long fight for more assistance.

The Senate voted 91-7 on the $2.3 trillion package, which includes $1.4 trillion to fund the government and $900 billion in coronavirus relief, the first time Congress has passed additional aid since April.

The bill, which passed the House earlier Monday, now goes to President Trump’s desk, where the White House has said he will sign it. Because Congress also passed a seven-day continuing resolution (CR) on Monday, Trump has until the end of Monday, Dec. 28, to sign the bill into law.

Passage of the bill follows growing pressure for Congress to act before wrapping up their work for the year as cases of coronavirus are steadily spiking, states and cities are reinstating lockdown measures and public health officials are warning of a brutal winter even as two vaccines are starting to be administered.

“None of us think this legislation is perfect but a big bipartisan majority of us recognize the incredible amount of good it will do when we send it to the president’s desk. The American people have waited long enough. I’m glad for our country that we’re now moving ahead together,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on Monday ahead of the vote.

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Very dissapointed that WE are bailing out the crooked airlines. They constantly abuse us and rip us off, and now they are being rewarded for it?! Let the airlines go out of business like everyone else. Why don’t WE have any say on where our hard earned money is being spent?


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