Covid-19 Triggers Hair Loss In Survivors

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Hair today, gone tomorrow. Unfortunately that is the sad truth for many patients during the coronavirus crisis. Statistics show 27% of COVID-19 patients recovering from the disease suffered prolonged hair loss as a result. It is one of the many lingering symptoms that face “long haulers,” people whose health woes last long after the actual disease is over.

A survey conducted among members of the Survivor Corp Facebook group, who share their experiences with long-term after effects of the virus, found many hapless victims lose their hair from the stress and trauma of battling COVID-19.

According to Today, doctors blame the hair loss on telogen effluvium, or temporary hair loss that usually happens after stress, illness, high fever, or extreme weight loss. People with this condition start to suffer hair loss three months after the illness or event that triggered it.

Read more at NEWSMAX




  1. Can anyone still deny that Corona is not 5G radiation (הקרנה is the Hebrew word for radiation and was changed to covid to hide the truth) which is why so many Israelis (like other countries) are sick with radiation symptoms, aka corona symptoms. They keep talking about “another wave” – as in radiation waves. Not only is hair loss proof that corona is radiation, losing taste and smell is also because of radiation.

    Read this: Residents Burn Down 5G Towers Claims They Are Causing Coronavirus Spread

  2. Any severe illness can result in hair loss. The B vitamins, D3 and some other important nutrients are drained in the body’s fight for regaining its health. Also mental & emotional stress will cause hair loss. Rest, trauma recovery, eating right, and adding supplements to build up the nutrients can regain the hair that was lost.

    • Actually not, because Trump like the rest of the White House politicians, including Fauci, Birx, as well as the Who and CDC guys are taking hydroxychloroquine to ward off corona, but for us they want to enforce dangerous vaccine.

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