DERSHOWITZ SLAMS OBAMA: ‘He Always Had a Deep Hatred of Israel in His Heart’

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Harvard Law professor emeritus and best-selling author Alan Dershowitz blasted former President Barack Obama during a recent appearance on Fox News’ Mornings With Maria. Dershowitz says Obama “always had a deep hatred of Israel in his heart.”


Obama spoke at the Obama Foundation’s Democracy Forum last Thursday where he called for a two-state solution and an end to the “occupation” of Gaza.

“All of this is taking place against the backdrop of decades of failure to achieve a durable peace for both Israelis and Palestinians,” the former president told the forum audience.

He continued: “One that is based on genuine security for Israel, a recognition of its right to exist, and a peace that is based on an end of the occupation and the creation of a viable state and self-determination for the Palestinian people.”

“To compare those disputed claims with the rapes, beheadings, burnings, kidnappings, it’s just obscene and despicable,” Dershowitz said. “And what it does is it lends support to those students basically, who are saying, ‘Well, what Hamas really did was not so bad… It was in response to the occupation.’”

“Although he said that the attacks by Hamas are not justifiable,” Dershowitz added, “he made them justifiable because if life really is unbearable, as it’s not, then you can do anything you want.”

Watch the clip below:



  1. He has really been putting out a lot of statements.

    When the dung falls clearly on their cherry blossom soul, they get cunning again. Hence the trouble with these protesters.

  2. Anyone with open eyes could see Obama’s real hatred of the Am Hashem, for over 15 years.

    Obama’s rise began on Tisha b’Av.
    Tisha b’Av is the birth of moshiach. The rise of our present day Haman bring us to the place where we merit the ultimate Geulas Hashem

  3. What people need to realize is that Obama is not only an enemy of the Jews, he also hates the USA and has done everything in his power to bring down America. There’s chatter now of Michelle Obama being the democratic candidate. If that is the case, everyone needs to make sure that they have passports.


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