DIVIDE & CONQUER: New York State’s Attack On Yeshivos

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The New York State Education Department failed twice before to impose regulations on non-public schools. This week, they are proposing a new set of regulations.
The new regulations proposed by SED are being presented as a more moderate form of the earlier regulations.
In fact, they are far more dangerous.
Matzav.com will explain why:
EXEMPTIONS FOR CATHOLIC & INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS – The earlier regulations were directed only against Yeshivas. Previously, the Catholic and Independent schools were united with us, in opposition to State regulation of private schools.  In fact they all filed lawsuits against the State. This time, the State drafted the new regulations so that the Catholic & Independent Schools will all be exempt from the reviews of their education.
EXEMPTION FOR REGENTS SCHOOLS –   Schools, including Yeshivas, whose high schools administer the Regents exams will also be exempt from reviews.
THE RESULT:  Who will be subject to these reviews? It will only be Yeshivos in New York City, Monsey and elsewhere that are subject to these reviews – and penalties.
A LAW APPLICABLE ONLY TO RELIGIOUS JEWS – Ask the question: In 2022, is it okay to enact laws and regulations directed only against a religious minority?


  1. Of course its ok!! We were told to vote democrat now eric adams stooge is running against another frum yid. If we want this to end do not listen to askonim and others that say vote democrat

  2. “A LAW APPLICABLE ONLY TO RELIGIOUS JEWS – Ask the question: In 2022, is it okay to enact laws and regulations directed only against a religious minority?”

    It’s clearly racist discrimination against Orthodox Jews, but we are the least concern to NY democrats. Eisav soneh liyaakov. A reminder we are in galus. We still have to do our hishtadlus by throwing out these lowlife degenerate democrat politicians. May the UNELECTED Governor dictator, the privileged white female Kathy Hochul, have a terrible rapid downfall.

  3. The woke progressives at the SED are only interested in teaching the new Rs Such as Race theory, R-Evolution against Hashem, Reproduction rights, Rights especially for gays and animals etc And with self righteousness push it down the throats of preschoolers. Of course they care very much about BDS – Bullying, Drugs and shmutz. Are they jealous we don’t have these issues?

    • Eh eh eh. You sound like a typical privileged white domestic terrorist. Merrick Garland will be tracking your comment and come after you. A parent is NEVER allowed to disagree with the perverts on the teachers Union!

  4. Simple solution, administer the Regents exam. They’re not going to make a bigger deal of the passing rate for Heimish than they will for Ganeivish (public schools). Quit making a tsimmes and give the exams.

    • Big mistake. If you give an enemy an inch, he will eventually demand more. Next it will be forcing yeshivos to teach toieva.

      Yeshivos are being tested by Hashem. Will they give in to an evil govt or put their trust in Him.

  5. To Anonymous. You write simple solution… Quit making a tsimmes and give the exams. Do you know what your talking about? Let me explain something to you. The chasidishe yeshivos have the attitude if it ain’t broke why fix it and even if you or the SED thinks its broken they aren’t changing their curriculum. In virtually all chasidishe yeshivos English ends with Kitah Ches corresponding to 6th grade English. In Kitah Tes called Yeshiva ketana there never was English and I think I’m safe to say there will never be English. When Yeshivos were supposed to close during covid they found ways to circumvent the governors gezaira. We’ll do the same with this gezaira.

  6. For all those who call out Hashem when it comes to tsorres, when are you calling out Hashem when it comes to abusive, ganev, improper behaviors. Have you seen the illegal building going on? Have you navigated the slalom course known as 13th Avenue? Have you seen and heard the threats from those having illegal and unreported, and untaxed basement apartments regarding the tenants? Do you scream and talk Hashem at these things? Hypocrites.


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