Kiddush Hashem: Lakewood, NJ Frum Family Brings Police Cookies for Purim

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  1. Why is it a “Kiddush Hashem” to bring cookies to evil wicked police who hate us like poison?! The police are NOT our friends! When will you naive sheeple ever learn?

    • You’re ignorance does not warrant a reply, as you are not asking a question, you only want to attack others, so answering you is pointless.

    • I would hesitate to generalize about a large group of people like that. Not all are the same. As in other large groups, there is variety, some better, and some worse.

    • I 100% agree people have such short memories just a few months ago they enforced unconstitutional bans on us, threatened us with jail for inviting guests to our homes thats in Lakewood, police all over were beating people for not showing green passes their all the same they do not protect and serve they protect their pensions and serve their ego BLM had it right the police are not our friends

      • Stop diverting attention from the ones truly responsible. The ones truly responsible are the politicians who were voted into office – and these responsible politicians were not voted into office by the police. And the ones who mainly enforced these bans were bureaucrats of the self same politicians. Out of some 34,000 uniformed NYC police officers, just how many really did any of those things you claim they did – give us the percentage. Then compare that to the percentage who simply quit / retired early.

  2. A kiddush Hashem is when you sanctify Hashem’s name between Yidden. That encourages Yidden to serve Hashem joyously.

  3. I’m making 3 kiddush Hashems this week. Sunday I gave my 3 yr old a cookie, Monday I’m giving all my employees cookies and Thursday I’m putting cookies in mishloach manos. I’m also clicking to accept all cookies. At the parting of the sea if they didn’t give out cookies, did that disqualify?


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