Dov Hikind Tells Trump: “Move On”

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Dov Hikind joined “Fox & Friends” to discuss why he believes last week’s election showed that Republicans should move on from the former president, Fox News reports. “We were all disappointed looking at the bigger picture. What happened was supposed to be great victories all over the country,” he told Steve Doocy.

The former New York State assemblyman said “part of the problem” of what hurt Republicans in the election was Trump’s unpopularity outside his base.

“I would say to the former president, who I supported and he did great things during his term, I would say to him, move on. A couple of days before the election, he tells the country he has a major announcement. Donald Trump, it was not about you. It was about the candidates that were running and you took away from them,” said Hikind. “There’s no question that he hurt candidates all over the country.

“Donald Trump, you had your opportunity. You hurt your party that you love, and your country in this election,” he said, saying he believes Republicans will have a better chance without Trump in 2024.


  1. Dov Hikind, a washed up DEMOCRAT politician, is giving his sage advice to the president, a Republican?

    Do you realize how stupid that is? When did Democrat ever give a Republican sound advice?

    Democrats NEVER give Republicans any good advice. Democrats give Republicans advice that the Democrats want the Republicans to follow, so that this way they step deeper into the Democrat pile of manure.

    NEVER LISTEN TO ADVICE OF A DEMOCRAT. They don’t have your best interest at heart, they have their best interest at heart.

  2. It is best for Frum Yidden to lay low for the time being. No need to draw attention to ourselves. Keep in mind, aisav soneh liyaakov.

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