Dr. Binyomin Sokol z”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Dr. Binyomin Sokol z”l. He was 83 years old.

Originally from Chicago, Dr. Sokol relocated to Lakewood, NJ, where he was an internal medicine specialist at the Ocean County Internal Medicine practice with Dr. Jonathan Cohen, Dr. Allen Lempel and others.

Dr. Sokol graduated from University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1961 and treated patients for almost 60 years with kindness, gentility and true professionalism.

Dr. is survived by his children Mrs. Miriam Jaffe, Mrs. Adina Katzenstein, Rabbi Aryeh Sokol, Rabbi Yosef Sokol, Rabbi Nachum Sokol, Mrs. Avigail Sheinberg and Mrs. Chaya Shnitzer.

The levayah will be accessible by Zoom webinar tonight at midnight Easter Time.

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  1. No words can describe who my opinion was a lamed vuv tzaddik. He was a Gaon in Anava,Pashtus,Eherlichkeit Middos Tovos all done Bhatzna Leches. Approximately 40 years ago he took a one year Sabbatical and moved with his family to Yerushalayim where he sat and learnt and wrote a sefer on the inyan of Halacha and medical shaylos. A masmid and always with sweet smile and words of Chizuk. From the founders of the legendary Ark organazation of Chicago in 1971 a bastion of Chesed and free social and medical sevices to the needy bederech kovod. May his Chosheve Mishpacha of Elite Bnei and Bnos Torah continue to follow in his Avodas H-SHEM which was to do many chassodim under the radar without fanfare and to be a Lshem Shamayim Yid! Yhi Zichro Boruch. An old Chicagoan who lost a role model.

  2. R Binyomin…..Z”L

    I was at a Chasuna in Chicago once, coming from Brooklyn…

    I stayed at Dr. Sokol’s bais.

    2 minutes after i was introduced to Dr. Sokol,
    it was as if I re united with a long lost zeidey..!!!!….

    Such varmkeit…. such Ahavas Yisroel……

    You mamash felt Avrohom Ovinu being machnis orchim…..

    I miss him already…

    Truly zecher Tzadik Li Vroch…….

    He left Choshove Choshve Sons, and daughters and sons in laws…….and daughters in laws…


  3. 20 years ago the Rosh Kollel Rabbi Francis, of the Chicago Community Kollel told me Benyomin was a Tzaddik. I have never heard the Rosh ever say this about anyone else.
    As with all humble, great teachers, Benyomin taught me how to teach by example, and then mostly sat and listened to me, offering occasional input during the 25 plus years we studied together. Our last session was 2 weeks ago.
    Once, when we were leaving a study session at our Kollel I asked him how he could tell his black hat from all the others. Benyomin said his hat was monogrammed, and he showed it to me. It said “100% Wool”.
    Another great example of the depth of his humility: Right after 9/11/01, with an abundance of caution, we temporarily studied at his house. About 5 or 6 of his grandchildren came to answer the door. I asked for Dr. Sokol. The second oldest asked the oldest if their grandfather was a Doctor. The oldest answered “I guess so”.
    I am wounded beyond recovery.
    I will only heal if we can again study together.

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