ELAD TERROR VICTIM: Rabbi Yehonatan Chabakuk Hy”d

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Rabbi Yehonatan Chabakuk Hy”d has been identified as one of the victims of tonight’s Palestinian terror attack in Elad.

A Breslover Chossid in his 40s, he worked as a mechanic for a living.

He leaved behind his wife and five children.

“There is no one in the city of Elad who does not know Yonatan,” residents said.

Everyone called him “Yonatan Achinu,” because he always said to everyone, “Achinu, our brother, what can I do to help?”

Rabbi Chananya Chollak of Ezer Mizion was given the task of informing the family of the awful news.

Hashem yikom damo.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Why did Rabbi Chananya Chollak accept the job. He should have had “Prime Minister” Bennett given the task of informing the family of the awful news.

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