Erdogan: Netanyahu To Blame For Iranian Attack On Israel

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday that Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu bears primary responsibility for Iran’s inaugural direct assault on Israel.

In televised statements, Erdogan was quoted as stating, “The individual primarily accountable for the apprehension we felt on the night of April 13 is Netanyahu and his ruthless government.”

He further remarked, “Those who remained silent for months regarding Israel’s belligerent stance promptly condemned the Iranian retaliation. However, it is Netanyahu himself who merits the first condemnation.”

Erdogan emphasized that the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1, attributed to Israel, violated international law and served as the tipping point.

Although Israel and Turkey formally announced the normalization of relations in August 2022, with the return of ambassadors and consuls after years of strained ties, Erdogan has resumed his frequent verbal assaults on Israel since the onset of the Gaza conflict.

In a particular address, the Turkish President accused Netanyahu of “committing one of the most atrocious acts of this century in Gaza and has already inscribed his name in history as the butcher of Gaza.”

Erdogan reiterated his condemnation of Israel and Netanyahu last month, likening them to “modern-day Nazis.”

Following Erdogan’s verbal attacks on Netanyahu, Israeli Foreign Minister Yisroel Katz summoned the Turkish deputy ambassador for a rebuke.

{ Israel}



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