FAKER EXPOSED: “Chareidi” in Yerushalayim Revealed as Christian Missionary, Wrote Tefillin, Officiated at Chasunos

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There is shock in the chareidi community in the French Hill neighborhood in Yerushalayim, asa local kohein and Sofer Stam in the area has turned out to be a gentile, a Christian missionary. His children have been studying in local educational institutions and Bais Yaakov.

The father identified himself as a kohein, wrote tefillin and mezuzos, conducted pidyon habens, and even served as mesader kiddushin at weddings. Now it turns out, this man is a gentile.

After investigations by the Bechadrei Chareidim news outlet, it became clear that the family immigrated to Israel from the United States using forged documents.

The family settled in the Yerushalayim neighborhood. Not long ago, the mother of the family fell ill, and the whole community mobilized to help. After her passing, the community even opened a dedicated charity fund, with everyone donating to the immigrant family, who didn’t have any relatives.

Following the activities of various activists, it became clear that the family is Christian. The father’s goal was to integrate into the chareidim community and spread his religion among the ultra-Orthodox.

Yoni Cayman, a resident of the neighborhood, related: “Until now, the askanim kept it a secret, because they did not want the father of the family to flee to another neighborhood and they wanted to act behind the scenes to prevent him from gaining citizenship.

“Finally, we felt that we had to reveal it to the residents and prevent him from fleeing to another neighborhood.”

This morning, the father blurred his family photo on his Facebook profile, deleting posts from there, while at the same time running another Facebook profile.

Yoni related: “When asked by investigators, he admitted that he was indeed a missionary. Now we have involved various activists in order to act against the family.”

Meir Eisenstadt, another resident, reacted: “We froze the money that the charity fund has collected in order to support the family. We are in shock.”

Activists who specialize in these scams revealed that they’ve known about this fraud for six years. It turns out that the gentile studied in the past in the kollel of the mekubal Rav Benayahu Shmueli, but following a request from activists fighting his fraud, he was thrown out of the kollel. It also appears that six years ago he was questioned by experts in the field, but then claimed that he had left his missionary activity behind.

A local organization, which has been involved in this matter, said today that this is a case that they have been familiar with for many years, and according to them, “The publication of this sordid affair is now detrimental to our effort behind the scenes to deal with this case and deal with impersonation of other missionaries.”

{Matzav.com Israel News Bureau}


  1. What is their background? Where did they originate from? Did any of the neighbors bother to check? So what’s the Halacha nogia the weddings he was mesader?! Are the children from these unions mamzeirim? What about the pidyon haben’s? Etc etc…
    How does this story effect the baal teshuva families that act weird and strange? I think we should be suspicious, no? Kabdeihu vichashdeihu.

    • Mesader Kiddushin is actually a decently unnecessary position. The marriages are fine and the children are fine (although people may want to research yichus to confirm the parents were allowed to remarry).
      Pidyon haBen would need to be repeated.
      STaM he wrote are pasul.
      Casting doubts on BTs because someone thinks they’re weird is an issur d’Oraysa.

    • If there were two other kosher witnesses, who witnessed the ceremony, then the wedding was valid.
      In any event, if two Jewish singles, that aren’t related to each other, live together and produce a child, out of wedlock, the child is not a Mamzer.
      Any child redeemed through this fraudulent Kohen, still requires Pidyon Haben.

    • Dear Missing Information 11:36, don’t you start up with Baaley Teshuva now. I have seen plenty of the so called FFB’s going all fry. I did see some baaley tshuva going bad too, but these were usually the ones who became frum in order to impress and to be accepted by the frum community. In other words: it wasn’t the “weird” baaltshuvos that I knew who fried out, but the so called “normal” ones. We have to ask ourselves one simple question – why am I religious, and any answer along social acceptance and because everyone around me is religious is a completely wrong answer. If anything, when you see a “weird” Baal Teshuva who doesn’t fit in socially, you can be assured that he is religious for real – because he has the actual Emuna, he is not just a showoff tree with shallow roots which will fall down when the wind blows any stronger. Basically, check yourself my dear superficial Frum From Habit, and don’t blame the baaltshuvos.

  2. “Activists who specialize in these scams revealed that they’ve known about this fraud for six years.”Sham on those who kept this scam quit for 6 years.

  3. To all these askanim who knew about this for many tears now,
    what answer do you have to all the people that DID NOT put on tefilin because they used this fraudster as a sofer?

    “A local organization, which has been involved in this matter, said today that this is a case that they have been familiar with for many years, and according to them, “The publication of this sordid affair is now detrimental to our effort behind the scenes to deal with this case and deal with impersonation of other missionaries.”

    Is this a heter for letting people go for years without putting on tefilin?!?!?!?!

  4. @Missing Information
    The children are not Mamzeirim. Only a union of couple that is Assur will produce Mamzeirim. At worst the children were born out of wedlock which doesn’t produce a Mamzeirim. However I believe it’s considered a PGAM.
    Such people are not deserving of Gehonim. His soul should have no rest

  5. They should check the FBI to see if he was fleeing a major crime… that is sometimes the case. They think they can hide as chareidim. Otherwise why would he want to make such a huge change in location & lifestyle & risk his kids converting to Judaism in the process?

  6. How many fake Chareidim – who are really secularly-inspired activists – do we have running around the internet running the ‘frum’ sites?

    • You can tell by the commentors here that are in the tank for Biden and anything democrat. Yes, there are some eino yehudim but ruba diruba the olam is beseder.

  7. “This morning, the father blurred his family photo on his Facebook profile”
    What Charedi family has a facebook profile!?

  8. To clarify, this case has been known to the missionary fighting organization for six years. The askanim of French Hill were notified around Purim about this family, as the mother had just passed into Gehinnom – undoubtedly steeping in steaming piles of feces right next to her savior….and they were notified from a family in Nachlaot. Many families still gave funds after Purim that have effectively been stolen, but I am sure the askanim wanted to verify these details before publicly outing a family in mourning.

    As for these missionaries, their efforts to affect klal yisroel are fruitless. May Hashem see fit to correct all the poisonous seeds this family has managed to plant in our minds and may this family be punished.

    Any concern for the children is ridiculous, as I have heard is now the talk of the town. Too much chesed got us into this mess, the people who were duped need to back away and learn their lesson.

  9. So, if these activists knew about this from six years ago, why did they allow the guy to be a sofer?! There is no rational answer. Either these activists are lying now, or they are responsible for hundreds of people who are not mekayem mitzvos tefilin umezuzos; them having thought that the guy supposedly stopped his shmad activity is no excuse – after all, the guy is likely a goy altogether, and even if a yid, nobody would want their mezuzos written by a “former” meshumad. Besides, what has been done about the shmad guy now; is he still out there? Every piece of information regarding his address and whereabouts, the current photos of his entire family, his car plate numbers, etc should be posted for everyone to see. It is all public information, and there’s nothing illegal about posting it.

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