Fauci Denies Scientists ‘Deliberately Suppressed’ COVID Lab Theory

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, denied accusations that health officials had ”deliberately suppressed” theories about COVID-19 originating in a laboratory.

”If you go back then, even though you lean towards feeling this is more likely a natural occurrence, we always felt that you gotta keep an open mind — all of us,” Fauci, President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser, told ”CBS This Morning” on Wednesday.

”We didn’t get up and start announcing it, but what we said, ‘Keep an open mind and continue to look.’ So I think it’s a bit of a distortion to say that we deliberately suppressed that,” he said.

Fauci said earlier this month that he is ”not convinced” that COVID-19 developed naturally while speaking to PolitiFact’s Katie Sanders during an event for Poynter.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Right! Which is why all the “fact checkers” said anyone who said it came from the lab was lying and facebook blocked anyone who said it came from the lab.
    If you believe Fauci on this I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

  2. Why wasn’t this thug arrested yet? Why is he still stealing his salary from the dumb stupid gullible taxpayers?


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