FIVE YEAR LATER: The Rubashkin Story – Uniting a Nation with Faith

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A moving video shown at the 1st anniversary celebration for Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin recounts the worldwide effort to help him in his plight and the joyous and unified joy at his miraculous release.



  1. His book is one of the most phenomenal books I’ve ever read. 700 pages small font was too short. I could’ve continued 3 times the money.

  2. His book is one of the most phenomenal books I’ve ever read. 700 pages small font was too short. I could’ve continued 3 times the money.

    What I like the most was his yiras Shamayim and strength of Torah and Yiddishkeit. May he merit to live with Moshiach Tzidkeinu bv”o. What a Gadol!

  3. I read the book recently.

    I’m not understanding why this website, and other department, keeps vilifying President Trump. No Trump, derech hateva means no SMR release.

    I wish your hatred for the Democrats
    who are really the ones that mess up this country time and time again, would be as strong as your hatred for President Trump.

  4. & MAKE NO MISTAKE WHATSOEVER:- PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP שליט”א is a צדיק גמור of the absolute HIGHEST CALIBER and we all have an absolute חיוב גמור of הכרת הטוב to President Donald Trump שליט”א for ever, and 1 lapse in judgement, for which anyways he has already apologized for, in no way whatsoever absolves anyone from showing President Donald Trump שליט”א the utmost respect & support come 2024 primaries & come 11/5/2024.
    May Linda R. Reade ימח שמה וזכרונה suffer to no end both בעולם הזה ובעולם הבא for her most reprehensible repulsive acts

  5. His אמונה is unparalleled.

    Reb Sholom Sholom should write another book. I found his first book so uplifting.

    He should also visit as many קהילות around the world as possible again. We all need חיזוק, his words of חיזוק is exactly what we need now.

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