FLORIDA FANDOM: Watch: Ben Shapiro Joins Mordechai Shapiro On Stage at Chol Hamoed Event at Trump Doral in Miami

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  1. We live in Brooklyn NY and B”H we made a beautiful Yom Tov right here with our mishpacha. We davened in our regular Shul and heard divrei chizuk from our meora diasra by each teffila. We learned in our local batei midrashim during chal hamoed. We went to local and Manhattan venues for trips. Yet, all the breathless reporting on this and other heimish sites is all about Florida Florida Florida, as if that’s where the shecina resides. Sure. Abandon your Rav and Kehilla where you live, run to places unknown, and we’re supposed to be machshiv such decisions? Do we/should we apologize for not completely throwing our Rav and Kehilla under the bus?
    Btw, this issue is not just for Yomim Tovim. It applies just as well to those who abandon their Rav & Kehilla, in order to make a few dollars on their Brooklyn home, and move to Lakewood. They’ve had enough of their Rav & Kehilla and by moving to Lakewood they won’t have to hear/listen to divrei chizuk and hisorirus.


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