FOR REAL: Pelosi Announces Plans For ‘Solemn Observance’ Of One-Year Anniversary Of Jan. 6 “Insurrection”

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has indicated there will be a “full program of events” to mark the first anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection, in which a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol to try to stop the confirmation of President Biden’s electoral college win, a siege that resulted in five deaths and left some 140 law enforcement officers injured.

In a letter to the Democratic caucus Monday, Pelosi, D-Calif., noted the House would not be in session the first week of January but said some members had expressed interest in being involved in commemoration activities.

“Already, preparations are underway for a full program of events, including a discussion among historians about the narrative of that day; an opportunity for Members to share their experiences and reflections from that day; and a prayerful vigil in the evening,” Pelosi wrote.

The speaker asked Democratic members of Congress who will be in Washington on Jan. 6 to email her office to fully prepare for what she called a “solemn observance” of the day. Pelosi said all of the events will be live-streamed, so that lawmakers who are not in Washington could watch and participate from their home districts.

“As always, we will continue to work with the House Historian to establish and preserve our records in this regard,” Pelosi added.

Although the House will not be in session then, the Senate plans to return on Jan. 3, which has drawn mixed reactions from lawmakers.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, expressed trepidation about being in session for the anniversary of the attack, telling HuffPost last week that there could be additional security concerns amid fears of a repeat attack.

“I just think that day is too freighted with anxiety and anger and it would just be better if we did not have any sort of ‘anniversary’ of that day,” Collins told HuffPost.

The White House has also said it will commemorate the anniversary of the attack but has not announced specific plans.

“January 6 was one of the darkest days in our democracy,” White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters last week. “It was a day when our nation’s capital was under attack, and I think there’s no question you’ll see us commemorate that day.”

(c) 2021, The Washington Post · Amy B Wang 



  1. How about the tragic blm riots? Ppl were killed, businesses were burned down and looted! I understand it didnt come close to the queen pelosi throne.
    About time we let pelosi know that people’s livelihood is more important than the millionaires Pelosi so called insurrection planted on conservatives.

    Another point, if you like it or not, the people decide who’s president not the lowlife queen pelosi, Schiff and nadler. Last time I checked that was the definition of democracy we proclaim to be.

  2. I knew they would. They are going to milk this to death.

    How many people today know about the time in 1954 when Puerto Rican Nationalists indiscriminately opened fire onto the House Floor wounding five congressmen and unfurled a Puerto Rican flag in a violent act of protest?

    In seventy years from now January 6th will be a MAJOR part of the American history curriculum that every American will hear about ad nauseum. With rewritten history about it too

    • It would, but Mashiach will be here long before that. The country cannot possibly withstand another 70 years of hashchasa in every way and on this scale.

  3. Already, preparations are underway for a full program of events, including a discussion among historians about the narrative of that day

    LOL She means a contest for who can rewrite what happened in the way most advantageous for Democrats . How about showing some of the footage they are refusing to release so we get a better picture of what historically happened?

    Is the great unifier Joe Biden going to be there?

  4. FAKE NEWS: ” a siege that resulted in five deaths”
    HONEST NEWS: ” a siege that resulted in ONE death” (The woman killed by police.)

  5. Halevei we would only hear about January 6th for one day a year.

    And halevei the Democrats would focus on things like inflation, supply chain shortage , crime etc. even a tenth of the amount they focus over January 6th


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