For The First Time: Grave of a Baby from Yaldei Tehran Affair Will Be Opened

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The grave of Uziel Khoury, whose family immigrated from Tunisia in 1948 and who was born in 1952, will be opened in the Segula Cemetery in Petach Tikva to allow the remains of the body to be identified and a DNA sample taken.

The Ministry of Health is currently preparing for the first opening of the grave of a minor from Yemen, who is suspected of having disappeared. The remains of the body will be brought for investigation at the Abu Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine.

In 1952, Uziel and his brother were born, and when he was about a year old, Uziel fell ill, was taken by the welfare services, transferred to a hospital, and soon after the family received word that he had passed away.

The opening of the grave is planned for next Monday, in accordance with the Law of Opening the Tomb of a Minor from Yemen, the East or the Balkans, for the purpose of identifying and conducting a genetic test for a family connection.

The purpose of opening the grave is to allow the remains of the body to be removed for identification, including taking a DNA sample, for the purpose of conducting a family relationship check.

The opening of the tomb is done in accordance with the request of the family and an order of the court.

The Ministry of Health stated: “Out of a desire to investigate the truth and remove the families’ concerns about the identity of their loved ones, the Ministry of Health at the time supported the enactment of the law and undertook to be trusted and responsible for the implementation of this law. This is a sensitive and complex event, and we are doing our best to do it in a respectful manner for the benefit of the family. ”

{ Israel}


  1. And how many children were sent out of the country to be fostered by non-Jews?

  2. Interesting how Fizer also wanted to waited 70 years – after their death – to release the harm their vax can cause, like the Zionist reshaim who kidnapped over 5,000 Yemenite Jews.

    They should honor Rabbi Uzi Meshulam HY”D who was murdered by these Zionists for exposing the Zionist’s kidnapping of the Yemenite children.

  3. remove the families’ concerns about the identity of their loved ones, More accurately to remove possibility of ממזרות or of a יבמה getting remarried without undergoing חליצה

  4. Yaldei Teheran was a totally different affair a number of years earlier, in which frum children who survived the holocaust and arrived in Eretz Yisroel through Teheran were placed on secular kibutzim where they were prevented from observing mitzvos or even saying Kaddish for their parents, over the protests of the Aguda and Rabbonim from all over the world. Then Chief Rabbi Herzog was so horrified that the wrote to the Board of Deputies in England urging stopping all funding for the Jewish Agency. A long and complicated story.

  5. Interesting if they will at all find a body there. Since one of the claims was they pretended that kids died and then they sold or had them up for a adoption in diff parts of the world.

  6. Yaldei Teheran was a totally different affair a number of years earlier, in which frum children who survived the holocaust and arrived in Eretz Yisroel through Teheran were placed on secular kibutzim where they were prevented from observing mitzvos or even saying Kaddish for their parents, over the protests of the Aguda and Rabbonim from all over the world. Then Chief Rabbi Herzog was so horrified that the wrote to the Board of Deputies in England urging stopping all funding for the Jewish Agency. A long and complicated story.

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