Former Trump Adviser Michael Flynn: U.S. Should “Have One Religion”

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Michael Flynn, who was briefly national security adviser under former President Donald Trump, said the United States should have a single religion. “If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to have one religion,” Flynn said during a speech at the “Reawaken America” conference in San Antonio, Texas last night. “One nation under God, and one religion under God.” Flynn has recently taken to talking about his Christian faith as a way to refute claims by QAnon followers that he worships Satan.

Flynn earlier blasted the indictment of former White House strategist Steve Bannon for his failure to comply with subpoenas issued by the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. He said Bannon was indicted for an “abuse of freedom of speech.” The former national security adviser also characterized the investigation into the riot as “the insurrection crucifixion” and likened House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Pontius Pilate. “This is a crucifixion of our First Amendment freedom to speak, freedom to peacefully assemble. It’s unbelievable,” Flynn said.

Flynn’s suggestion that there should only be one religion in the United States, drew quick backlash on social media. “These people hate the US Constitution,” tweeted Rep. Ilhan Omar with a link to the video. Preet Bharara, a former U.S. attorney who was fired by Trump, tweeted: “Wow look how much Michael Flynn hates America.” Retired Gen. Mark Hertling said Flynn is “an embarrassment to the U.S. Army” and characterized his words as “disgusting.”

This is hardly the first time Flynn gets attention for his statements that seem to go against some of the basic tenets of American democracy. In May, Flynn said at a QAnon conference that a military coup like the one that took place in Myanmar “should happen” in the United States. Flynn was Trump’s national security adviser for less than a month and resigned after it was revealed he lied about conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States. Flynn twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI and Trump pardoned him.


  1. My filter blocks Twitter so I can’t see the footage but the comments depend on the context that he said it.

    If he said it in a political context of “we should make laws force all Americans to follow one religion” then it is a major outrage.

    If he said it in a religious context of “we should proselyte until all Americans follow our religion” most proselytizing groups religious or secular have goal so I don’t see any big deal with him saying it as well

  2. General Flynn is 100 percent correct and the religion is and always has been MONEY. It does say “in God we trust” on the back of the singles.

  3. Flynn’s been through a lot and under a lot of pressure. It must have severely affected his brain. He’s been saying some really stupid things lately. Nebech!!

  4. no, not judaism,chas v’shalom. we are HaShem’s chosen people and, if you recall the oomos haolam rejected the torah. just let us all follow the mitzvos we were commanded properly and let everyone else leave us alone

  5. He means one movement of belief in God. You can choose your religion but the country is founded under God as it says in the pledge of allegiance.

  6. This goes completely against what the founding fathers of our country put into place – which is the freedom to worship any way you want. If he represents the Republican right, that means that either way we turn, democracy in this country is on it’s way out the door. Time to pack our bags fellow Yidden.

  7. Why is everyone making a whole tzimis of what a private citizen has to say? He’s no longer a public figure. He’s not running for any office. Do you get all bothered by the average goy that steps out of the local bar and elucidates his brilliance? This is a total nothing burger.


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