Fox News Host Dan Bongino Criticizes Fox News For Editing Trump Interview

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Dan Bongino faced the wrath of his supporters after a clip of his Fox News interview with President Donald Trump was edited to remove false claims about the 2020 election.

In an interview that aired on Fox News Saturday night, Trump told Bongino that the 2020 election he lost to Joe Biden was “fake.” While that comment aired in full on Fox News, the clip of the interview that the network posted to YouTube had the comment edited out.

A spokeswoman for Trump noticed, and attacked the network for the edit, prompting Bongino to come under fire from furious supporters of Trump.

The Fox News host, himself an unwavering Trump supporter, spoke out about the ordeal on his radio show Monday.

“I feel betrayed by a lot of people,” he said. “I’ve been called everything this weekend. Sellout, traitor. Pay-triot, with a P-A-Y, which is unbelievable.”

Bongino added that many of his viewers demanded an investigation, while others “decided to throw me under the bus immediately.”

He went on to explain that Fox News was responsible for the edit.

“It was edited, The reason I was given was to comply with YouTube rules. We have no intention of doing that on my show,” he said. “I don’t control the Fox News YouTube account. However, I do work with them and it’s my show.”

Read more at Mediaite.



  1. I’m not out to defend Fox News, they’ve got their faults for sure, but the truth of the matter is that the Libs at YouTube probably would not have allowed that portion of the interview to be played on YouTube. Hence, in this instance, I can’t really blame Fox News. Perhaps Fox News could have released the entire interview and let the chips fall where they may, but ultimately THAT clip wouldn’t have survived, and perhaps YouTube would have used that portion of the interview to ban Fox News entirely from their platform.

  2. Since when can Fox News be trusted with any news? They’re just as bit better than The Hill.


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