FRAUD IN THE ELECTION: Project Veritas Releases Video Exposing Major Felony Level Fraud In The NJ Gubernatorial Elections

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  1. So what’s the big deal? It’s clearly just a single incident. These are low level workers. So they caught some silly worker doing the wrong thing. I don’t think they should destroy her life over it.

  2. Ah, the time-honored national pass time of Election Fraud! Really, but now, it’s to be anticipated and expected. If the poll worker did in fact encourage and facilitate an illegal vote, he/she/it (wouldn’t want to make anyone feel ‘uncomfortable’…) should be arrested and banned from any election work, period. Instead, though, he/she/it will probably receive a Federal commendation for making NJ and the US an inclusive, welcoming place.

  3. Fraud? What nonsense! First of all, Project “Veritas” has no credibility whatsoever. They are not professional journalists or investigators in any way. They are just trolls. They got caught trying to offer a fake story from a fake “source” to the Washington Post a couple of years ago. The Washington Post didn’t fall for it. Project “Veritas” can’t be trusted to tell you what time it is.
    Second of all, this video doesn’t show anything. You can’t tell what is going on here just from these disjointed snippets. Who knows what else was said or not said, who did what surrounding this, or if this was even actually shot in NJ on election day?
    Also, this is one would-be voter in one polling place. Even if you would assume that there is something wrong going on here (not a fair assumption at all), it hardly adds up to evidence of a fraudulent victory for Murphy.

  4. That one person confused a poll worker into giving him a ballet is not a newsworthy story. What is a big story, possibly the biggest story in months, is the apparent references to the fact that they systematically allowed illegals to vote in the presidential election.

  5. Project Veritas is famous for doctoring videos to make them look exactly the opposite of the truth. Twitter banned it for this reason.

  6. Why any frum Jew would vote for Murphy and his criminal party in NJ escapes me. We should be focused on good policy, not handouts.

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