George Floyd Mural Collapses After Being Struck By Lightning

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A mural honoring the memory of George Floyd in Toledo, Ohio has collapsed after being struck by lightning Tuesday.

According to CBS affiliate WTOL, local officials responded to the Summit and Lagrange Streets after a bolt of lightning struck the side of a building with the mural. The brick wall, along with a major section of the mural, then collapsed into rubble.

The piece was created by artist David Ross a year ago. He said it stands as a memorial and reminder to never forget the day Floyd died.

Read more at CBS4.



  1. That could very well be. I wasn’t invited to the Catskills for Shabbos Nachamu. My so-called friends don’t care about me. I’ve become a worthless shmata. When they need a favor, they all come running to me, but when I make a simple request to be invited up for just one Shabbos, they have every excuse in the book. There won’t be a minyan of Yidden here in the City. I guess I’ll just bury myself in my apartment. I have no right to exist. I’m not allowed to enjoy a Shabbos away from the City.

  2. Reuvain, Bezrat Hashem, the next shabos you gonna get envited. You are never alone anyways, Hashem is always with you,
    Good Shabos

  3. In the name of “Torah Jewry”, you post a mocking headline after the murder of a fellow human being who was created b’tzelem elokim? Seriously?

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