Gov. Andrew Cuomo: De Blasio, NYPD Failed To Protect NYC From Looters

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Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYPD failed to stop looters from running rampant through the streets of New York City late Monday into early Tuesday under cover of the protests over George Floyd’s death, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.

“The NYPD and the mayor did not do their job last night. I believe that,” fumed Cuomo in an Albany press briefing Tuesday. “The police in New York City were not effective in doing their job last night. Period.

“They have to do a better job.”

The governor said de Blasio “underestimates the scope of the problem” and should “use 38,000 [NYPD] cops” — the entirety of the department’s force — to quell the unrest, calling the results to date “inexcusable.”

Read more at THE NY POST.



  1. Honestly, today’s NYPD consists of young, well-educated people. Do you think they want to risk their lives to defend property? The stores that are being looted have insurance. Even if the insurance doesn’t cover civil insurrection, the owners have deep pockets.

    The cops are outnumbered by the looters, and (quite properly) they they aren’t allowed to use deadly force to protect property. That means that to stop the looting they’d have to engage in hand-to-hand combat, and many will get hurt, some may die. Plus, if they use too much force, they may get in legal trouble.

    At some point, not too long from now, everything worth looting will have been taken. When that happens, the looting will end of its own accord.

    I know it’s annoying to see these feckless black kids walking off with items we can’t afford. But that’s how the world is sometimes.

    • I went to my local Target store after it was looted and all they had left was father’s Day cards and Suntanning lotion.

  2. Really, every owner has “deep pockets”? The looting is only about “feckless black kids” taking things without paying? It will stop when there’s nothing left worth taking? No, they will be habituated to just taking what they want and if they find nothing, they will tear a place apart looking. Looting is “annoying”? A hangnail is “annoying.” Off-tune humming is “annoying.” Looting is dangerous, destructive, despicable.
    It’s not just about the wanton destruction of property, but about the destruction of a way of life. What if someone lives over their store? How long will the rebuilding take? How many people will want to bother rebuilding? How long can a society function when a large percentage of the people don’t follow the rules? Or where the rules that one faction follows are detrimental to the others?


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