Hadash MK Calls 16-Year-Old Killed In Yerushalayim Bombing A ‘Victim Of The Occupation’

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The single Jewish member of an Arab political party declared Wednesday that Aryeh Shchupak, 16, was a “victim of the occupation” after being murdered in the terrorist bombings in Yerushalayim earlier in the day.

“I want to express sorrow for the incessant bloodshed and to send my condolences to all the victims of the occupation—Jews and Palestinians alike,” said MK Ofer Cassif, Israeli media reported.

“Yesterday and today, two 16-year-old boys were murdered—Aryeh Shchupak and Ahmad Shehadeh,” he noted.

“We want this bloodshed to end, and it will end when the occupation ends,” he continued as MKs angrily interrupted.

Cassif recently asserted that Jews living in Judea and Samaria were liable for Palestinian attacks against them as they are not innocent civilians.

“They live as a thorn in the throats of the Palestinians,” he said, attributing Palestinian attacks, which he described as “not terror,” to the “Israeli occupation.” JNS


  1. No no no. Ofer Cassif is mamesh a Tzaddik. We must bend over backwards, twist ourselves into pretzels, and use wild creative imagination in order to be dan licaf zchus such a heiligeh nishama. Ofer is not Frum YET! Yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet yet. Repeat after me. Cassif is not Frum YET.

  2. Cassif recently asserted that Jews living in Judea and Samaria…”live as a thorn in the throats of the Palestinians… The bloodshed… will end when the occupation ends”
    In response to Cassif’s repugnant statement, a Jewish MK released a statement apologizing on behalf of the Israeli government for allowing hate-filled Arab MKs – who constantly incite terror attacks with their disgusting cold-blooded remarks – to continuously occupy the Knesset chamber.”
    “Cassif and his Israeli-hating MKs,” the Jewish MK said, “live as a thorn in the throats of Israeli MKs and the Israeli people at large.”
    “Cassif’s hateful incitement to terror inside the Knesset,” the Israeli MK added, “will only end when he and his colleagues are no longer occupying Knesset seats.”

    • Ein “Hadash” tachas hashemesh, there are and always have been idiotic self hating Jews whose dumb comments don’t require a response or even a yawn.

      • I have to admit, I didn’t read this article well, even though it was clearly written in the article that Cassif is a jewish MK, who is a member of an Arab Party. I wrote my comment thinking Cassif was an Arab MK. But I suppose it doesn’t really make a difference, because Cassif is speaking on behalf of his Arab Party.

  3. Throw ALL the arabs out of the country. It’s for their own safety. One day Hashem will open the eyes of the Zionists so that they see that the arabs are terrorists and they will rise up against them. Throw them all out for their own good.

    • And these lefties in Israel better leave before it’s too late because Hashem is getting sick and tired of them.

      And if you’re still reading, how much of a שונא ישראל does once have to be in order to mock the people killed BECAUSE they were Jewish?!

      Ofer is an example of someone who identifies as a Jew but hates Jewish people. I guess it’s no different than ”Ye” except for the fact that Ofer is a Yehudi that lives in Israel.

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