HAKORAS HATOV: Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein Thanks Police Who Secured Rav Chaim’s Levayah (Video, Photos)

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Dozens of policemen who worked to ensure the safety of attendees at the levayah of Maran Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l met yesterday with his brother-in-law, Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, who thanked them profusely.

The meeting was held at Rav Zilberstein’s bais medrash. Reb Erez Sabag, rov of the Central Border Police, arranged the event.

Rav Zilberstein thanked the police officers who invested their efforts to protect the public during the levayah, and the exemplary job that they did to ensure that order was maintained during the levayah, which enhanced the kavod acharon and kavod haTorah.

The rov of the police, Rabbi Rami Rachamim Berachayu, who also participated in the meeting, spoke with Rav Zilberstein about the duty of the police to maintain order and the interface between them and the chareidi sector.

At the end of the meeting, Rav Zilberstein said to the police: “We daven before Hakadosh Boruch Hu that no mishap will come out from under your hand, and with the help of Hashem, you will be zocheh to tremendous siyata diShmaya.

The policemen left the meeting mechuzak and inspired by what Rav Zeilberstein told them.



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