Haley Warns of ‘President Harris’ After Biden’s Fall

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Nikki Haley, a Republican candidate for president and former governor of South Carolina, expressed concern about the possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris assuming the role of commander in chief if President Joe Biden is reelected. Haley made these comments in response to Biden’s fall on stage during the Air Force Academy commencement ceremony. Haley emphasized the importance of being honest with the American people, as both domestic and international observers see these incidents and question who is truly leading the country.

Highlighting Biden’s status as the oldest president in history, Haley suggested that his potential reelection could result in Harris becoming president. To address this concern, she advocated for mental competency tests and term limits for politicians, emphasizing the need for a new generation of leaders in Washington.

Biden, 80, tripped on stage but thankfully was unharmed. Upon returning to Washington, he jokingly attributed the fall to a sandbag, as stated by the White House.

Haley had previously expressed doubts about Biden’s ability to serve a full second term, stating that voting for Biden essentially means counting on Harris to assume the presidency due to his age.

In addition to Haley, former President Donald Trump also commented on Biden’s fall during his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in Iowa. Trump expressed his concern for Biden’s well-being and criticized the incident, noting that it was not inspiring and that caution should be exercised to avoid such mishaps.



    • He tripped? Really? Can’t you tell it was faked? Watch the entire little clip how this supposedly 80 year old man runs up a flight of stairs and then trips over air and gets up like a 30 year old.

  1. Age per se isn’t an issue; just look at how many talmidei chachomim we have who are still capable of making brilliant rulings and chiddushim. It’s a matter of function and that should be the defining factor. In this case, a vote for Biden is a vote for whoever is his vice; in this case it’s “From the frying pan to the fire.”

      • My intention isn’t to mock. People “hock” about his age when it’s his function -or lack of – that’s the issue here. Aside from the other issue that he’s not particulary Jew- or Israel-friendly, which is of interest to us but not to the average (non Jewish) American. Hence a vote for Biden and everything bad about him, is essentially a vote for Harris or whomever he chooses as his running mate.

  2. Biden was never elected. His clones and actors were installed while the planet is being drained from the swamp – the elite monsters and demons with nefarious crimes on their hands. The actors will continue the cleansing is complete and so will the Harris actor.

    And about the “fall” someone mentioned: “Fake President. Fake Fall. No 80 year old man can rise so easily and smoothly.”

  3. Nebech. I feel so badly when I see old people fall down even old people in whose policies I don’t agree with.

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