Hamas Takes Credit for Bringing Down Israeli Government

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The “Palestinian Mujahideen Movement,” another name for Hamas, claims that Israel’s call to hold early elections is proof of the effectiveness of the “resistance” in “confronting the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip for 51 days.”

Hamas spokesman Salim Atallah issued a statement saying that “the overwhelming evidence that emerged after the end of the aggression on Gaza confirms that effective option in dealing with the enemy is resistance.”

Yet more evidence that Palestinians have the emotional maturity of toddlers who are certain that the entire world revolves around them. The Algemeiner

{Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Why does a yewish newspapaper have to tell us, what theses reshoim have to say! Who cares about what they think? There intention is to be heard in the news around the world. Do we have to help them spreading it in frum newspapers?

  2. Why does a yewish newspaper have to tell us, what theses reshoim have to say! Who cares about what they think? There intention is to be heard in the news around the world. Do we have to help them spreading it in frum newspapers?


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