HATE, HATE, HATE: After Jersey City Shooting, Social Media Commenters Attack Lakewood, Toms River, and Environs

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  1. Sharon Bielski…must be a self hating liberal jew..if we dont hVe enough hatred from the nations…we need our own to inject their sick hatred of orthodox jews…what a shame…they dont remember that Hitler didnt care what you did as long as you were a jew. Hey Sharon..they dont like you either,my sister. Shame on you.

  2. Sorry I agree with her. I recently had to move because of these aggressive developers. I’m a frum, chasidisher person who grew up in boro park / Flatbush and B” h raised my family here. Many of these developers act like thugs, all they care about is dollars and dollars Am I anti-semitic if I say this. I lived in my old home almost 20 years. The two attached houses next to mine were owned by non jews. In the 20 years I lived there these families always complained about how they were being harassed. Many times I would be standing outside my house and People would ask If I own the house? How much I would sell it for? When I told them I rent they would either walk away or ask the number of my Landlord. Finally last year one of the developers brought one of the neighbor’s house and made my landlord an offer he couldn’t refuse. Already a month after I was told I have to move I was getting calls when I’m moving. While I was still living there they already started checking the foundation. While I’m at it I’ll continue is it normal the way these developers built houses in places like westgate or in Monsey on the 306. Its no wonder non jews don’t want was living with them. I write this with much sadness.

    • Yes..but to generalize isn’t fair either….there are always people in every group who are less than perfect. That doesn’t make it fair to besmirch an entire group of orthodox jews. Over the years, the landscapes have always evolved and changed. Its part of life. We have ka” h larger families and we need housing…so we need to expand into different areas. Giving ammunition to the enemies of jews by ” I second the motion -” statements from those who hate us, including self hating, liberal jews or those who don’t like the frum ppl…is not a yiddish thing to do. Don’t think you’re so right yourself by publicly denouncing your own ppl. A bisel seichel goes a long way. Don’t forget the golus you are in. Its bad enough. No need to make it worse.

  3. Nebech on u if you think that comment was bad, actually it’s probably the mildest comment I’ve seen on social media, there are No shortage of comments actually applauding the attack!! Wake up Yiddin!!!!

    • I’m totally with you. Let’s just return to god and he’ll save us (from these tzaros and from Golus) I believe this is a פסוק.
      And it wouldn’t hurt if we acted as if were in Golus

  4. Time to wake up and smell the coffee. Wake up and face reality to Hashems call for serious teshuva ASAP with achdus as one loving nation together.

    Start to make aliya now while you have the chance and it’s still easy. How many before the holocaust were told to save themselves and leave Europe before its too late? How many listened? Very little and look what happened R”L to everyone who stayed in Europe. Save yourself now and remove yourself from this golus Edom in the United States and other countries.

    ONLY safe place to go is Eretz Yisroel

  5. Yes..but to generalize isn’t fair either….there are always people in every group who are less than perfect. That doesn’t make it fair to besmirch an entire group of orthodox jews. Over the years, the landscapes have always evolved and changed. Its part of life. We have ka” h larger families and we need housing…so we need to expand into different areas. Giving ammunition to the enemies of jews by ” I second the motion -” statements from those who hate us, including self hating, liberal jews or those who don’t like the frum ppl…is not a yiddish thing to do. Don’t think you’re so right yourself by publicly denouncing your own ppl. A bisel seichel goes a long way. Don’t forget the golus you are in. Its bad enough. No need to make it worse.

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