Help Reb Bentzy!

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travis oiring[COMMUNICATED] A GoFundMe page has been set up to benefit Reb Bentzy Oiring, the tzaddik from Yerushalayim who can be seen at the scene of every terror attack in Eretz Yisroel, performing his avodas hakodesh on behalf of Zaka.

Kindly donate generously and spread the following link  so that Reb Bentzy can continue helping Klal Yisroel, knowing that his family is taken care of.

oiringWhile it is not possible for us all to go to Yerushalayim and assist with Reb Bentzy’s avodas hakodash, by donating today to this campaign you will have a part in the work of this great shliach on the ground every day.

Go to and help Klal Yisroel reach this goal quickly.  Donate and share today.

Bentzion Oiring is a true Master of Chessed.

Bentzy is probably most closely identified for his work preserving the honor of the deceased as a frontrunner and leader of the famous Zaka organization.

Additionally, he has also been involved for the past four decades in countless chessed endeavors on an ongoing basis most of every day.
He has dedicated his life to helping Yidden in all kinds of situations, has saved many lives and has assisted countless Yidden in a myriad of trying circumstances.

He is simply a one-man army of chessed and ahavas Yisroel in Israel, willing to do anything he can to help another person.

Bentzy exerts himself to find a solution to the problems of all Jews in need.
Over the course of decades, he has forged a relationship of trust and respect with the authorities enabling him to help Jews of all stripes in every possible way.

Bentzy’s own home is a bastion of pure chessed. It is known as an “open house” where Jews of any kind are welcomed warmly for a weekday meal, a Shabbos meal, a hot drink, a place to stay, or anything else they might need. He showers them all with love, attention and warmth and makes them all feel at home.

Bentzy, a certified Hatzolah EMT, has been a first responder to countless gory scenes of automobile accidents, suicide bombings, bus explosions, shootings etc. Almost every day we hear of devastating attacks; the Arab- Palestinian stabbings, Har Nof massacre, Ezra Schwartz hy”d, search for Ahron Sofer, all taking place in Israel.

We think to ourselves, “What can we do?
How can we get involved? How can we make a difference?” Bentzy is there at the front line.
Bentzy has never taken a penny in compensation for any of his work on behalf of the public.

Unfortunately, he finds himself in dire financial straits and has fallen into severe debt. Because of his dedication to be available to the public 24-7, he has been forced to give up a steady job and he is unable
to feed his family or pay his bills.
The electricity in his home has been cut off several times when the bills got very high, and he is unable to even find money to take his children for doctor’s visits or pay his bill in the grocery store.

We are asking the public to show their appreciation and partner in the selflessness of this Master of Chessed and give him the ability to continue his lifesaving and life-changing work by joining this campaign to help pay his debts and put him back on his feet financially.

Go to and help Klal Yisroel reach this goal quickly.  Donate and share today.

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