Hikind Blasts NY Daily News for Publishing Anti-Semitic Cartoon

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cartoon-smallIn response to Glen and Gary McCoys’s anti-Semitic, syndicated cartoon, The Flying McCoys, which appeared in Monday’s NY Daily News, Assemblyman Dov Hikind yesterday sent a letter to Daily News Publisher Mort Zuckerman “demanding a public apology from your newspaper for displaying this ugly cartoon.”

The Flying McCoys bills itself as a “delightfully absurd comic panel [which] takes superheroes, office humor, huggable animals and twisted relationships, blending them in a bizarre marriage of Gary Larson, The New Yorker, Conan O’Brien and Mad Magazine.”

Hikind, however, completely disagrees with this description. In his letter, Hikind wrote, “A father telling his son to, “Stand back, son. I think Rex has rabbis” with two men dressed in religious garb similar to how many Rabbis dress, including black hats, black coats, beards and side curls, standing on either side of a dog is not just demeaning, insulting and repulsive but surely smacks of anti-Semitism á la Goebbels.

cartoon rabbisHikind, a child of Holocaust survivors continued, “The arrests last Thursday by the FBI of 44 individuals… [is] no excuse to slander the entire Jewish people. To imply that Rabbis have rabies and are therefore contagious is to indulge in the vilest type of character assassination.”

{Elisha Ferber-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Yeah, I think it’s terrible and I think Mr. Hikind was right. OTOH, it’s sad that there was such fertile inspiration for the McCoys. We as a people should be living such lives that the McCoys of the world will see what deracheha darchei noam means.

  2. The Daily News is owned by Mortimer Zuckerman who gives a lot of money to Jewish Organization and is a big supporter of Israel

  3. I´m a child of Holocaust survivors and think mr Hikind should look at real anti-semitism and jews missbehaving and not scream “anti-semitism” as soon as somebody is joking with jews. What has mr Hikind said fpr example about resent evnts in NJ?


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