Hillary Clinton Hits Americans As Gullible, Says They Don’t ‘Appreciate’ Biden Accomplishments

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Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Tuesday praised the legislative accomplishments of President Biden while appearing to claim that everyday Americans didn’t understand or “appreciate” them, Fox News reports.

During an appearance on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” Clinton complained about the successful “exploiting” of social media misinformation by Republicans, blaming the lack of “gatekeepers” and “people with a historic perspective” to help Americans understand what they were seeing.

“You know, democracy is messy. You know, a lot of people got, oh I think, kind of frustrated looking at the messy process of legislation. And they didn’t really appreciate that, within a year, the Biden administration has passed two major pieces of legislation through both the House and the Senate,” Clinton said, referencing the coronavirus relief bill and the infrastructure bill that were both signed into law this year.

She also mentioned the massive Democrat-backed social spending bill that passed the House last week but has almost no chance of passing in its current form in the Senate.

“By any measure those are extraordinary accomplishments … But because of the way we are getting our information today, and because of the lack of gatekeepers and people who have a historic perspective who can help us understand what we are seeing, there is a real vulnerability in the electorate to the kind of demagoguery and disinformation that, unfortunately, the other side is really good at exploiting,” she added.

Clinton’s comments join what appears to be a growing trend by Democrats questioning the perception of Americans when it comes to the economic issues that affect their everyday lives. Fox News



  1. Being totally unbiased, I am perfectly prepared to appreciate Biden’s accomplishments.
    Would the former First Lady kindly provide a list of those accomplishments, or am I to await for his memoirs, just to find out what those may have been?

  2. We should be grateful to her for this.

    After all when she labeled some Americans as deplorable before the 2016 election it helped to defeat her.

    On this day of giving thanks Biden certainly deserves our gratitude.

    Inflation,the border crisis and the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan are just a few of the wonderful things he did.

  3. Hillary Clinton is as clean and pure as the wind driven snow. I would gladly go to prison for her again, if she would request I break the law.

  4. I can think of 3 accomplishments:
    1) He hasn’t prosecuted Hillary for her crimes (Russian dossier, deleting her emails, etc)
    2) Hasn’t prosecuted his son for his crimes
    3) Has continually made a fool of himself and the American people
    Can’t think of anything else that is noteworthy
    Can you?

    • Yes. You left out Biden/Emhoff sowing more division amongst the races than even Obama/Holder. From calling White Supremacy as THEE greatest threat facing this Nation, to calling white parents who disagree with their school boards perverted agenda, to forcing CRT down every Americans throat, to commenting on the Rittenhouse case before the trial even started, etc etc… Biden/Psaki/Rice/Emhoff have done all they could to destroy the peace and tranquility in this Nation. This is an evil administration and must be toppled.

  5. B”H the devil couple were coronavirused almost 3 years ago. But the fake news don’t have the brains to change her dress she’s been wearing for most of the fake news about her since she’s gone.


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