HISTORIC CLOSURE: Shomer Shabbos Shul Shuts Doors for First Time in 102 Years

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The Shomer Shabbos Shul in Boro Park, Brooklyn, one of the world’s most prominent minyan factories, is shuttering for the first time in its 102-year history due to the coronavirus crisis.

One of the cornerstones for positivity in the community, from early Shacharis minyanim to late Maariv minyanim, to the goods and services that are provided there for free to all, Shomer Shabbos is legendary in many ways.

Unfortunately, the shul will be closed for the foreseeable future.

{Matzav.com Newscenter}


    • Excuse me I’m preparing for Moshiach and therefore I’m still smiling. Take the pledge at stopthespread. Your davening at home now (hopefully) Start davening with more kavana, slower. No matter how hard it is we all know that Hashem is running the world. This will be”h pass (hopefully with moshiach) and we will look back and see the positives that came out of this situation.

  1. Oy vey! what will hatzadikim Moshe Metzger and Hillel do. They are wired to run up and down sqeeze between the people and raise maos chitim. Are they expected to just sit home?

  2. Imagine today 2020 shuls shuttered, yeshivos closed, people quarantined. I know someone who has to make a bris and can’t find a mohel. A gezras shmad 2020 version. To me, it’s so clear our shuls are a mikdash miat this can’t be less then a churban bais hamikdash for our times. Right now I’m now self quarantined I can’t leave my house although I feel fine. I feel like a Metzora. Usually, people don’t make announcements if they are sick Here people are telling others I tested positive. Isn’t this like the metzorah who lets everyone know as it says. “Tamai Tamai” yikra. People we got to do teshuva especially in loshon hara and how we honor our shuls. sign up today to websites that discuss shmiras haloshon when you daven at home. Try to daven slower more kavana etc.
    I hope that Hashem is preparing us for Moshiach be”h. Imagine in a regular year if Moshiach will come on the week before Pesach. What will happen to the hotel industry? Every year pre pesach schools open up because mothers can’t have their kids underfoot for those 3-4 days. Hashem is shutting down the hotels weeks before pesach, The kids are going to be home for 3 weeks. When Moshiach comes we will run so fast to Yerushalyim. Kain yehi rason.

    • Not so pashut, but okay. Nobody knows exactly what will be when Moshiach arrives. We can conjecture but we truly have no idea. Many “dates” and “simanim” have come and gone and we’re still in galus. Let’s not mislead anyone. What we should do is yearn and daven for the ultimate geula. Only HKB”H knows the plan.


  3. “minyan factories”

    Davening should be individualized עבודה שבלב, not a mass-produced, uniform, factory product, churned out at high speed.

    • That is a very inaccurate harmful implication. Every time I have Davened there, there has definetly been kavana and a slow paced Tefila. Have there at times been a Davening led by to fast of a chazan? Yes but not more often then a regular Shule. The Rav and Gabboim really try to ensure decorum and it is always reflected by the Tefilos. Additionally every Minyan has its regulars. While it might be a minyan factory each Tefila is real.

  4. Isn’t it obvious that we collectively caused this mageifa, at least in part, by not giving the proper kovod for our batei midrashim by talking during davening, looking or c”v talking on our cellphones, davening fast and w/o proper kavana, etc. After all this is surely the first time in history that batei midrashim are closed throughout the world
    Let’s undertake and promise that all this will stop and we will better ourselves in giving the proper respect to our batei midrashim and to the RBS”O and this will help in stopping this tzara from Klal Yisroel.

  5. I would recommend that people who have been exposed to Covid 19 drink Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water, eat Lentils, Potato’s, Anti Inflammatory Foods as listed and recipes provided in “Michelle Babbs” “Anti Inflammatory Eating Made Easy”(published by “Sasquatach), and eat Blueberries and Blackberries as stated in Dr Cass Ingram’s “The Wild Berry Cure” (They reduce Inflammation).


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