Hochul Signs New York Congressional Map Into Law

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New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) on Thursday signed into law a new congressional map that would give Democrats a more significant political advantage over Republicans, The Hill reports.

New York’s state legislature passed the map, which could help Democrats flip as many as three House seats, on Wednesday.

While New York is slated to lose a congressional seat as a result of population decline, the map favors Democrats in 22 House districts and Republicans in four. New York’s congressional delegation is currently made up of 19 Democrats and eight Republicans.



  1. Wicked evil lady. This UNELECTED Governor is a Stalinist who wants NO opposition whatsoever. This privileged WHITE female wants to have a one party system where she rules the land. She’s the female version of Achashveirus. And all this while innocent citizens are being thrown to their death in front of incoming subway trains because of HER bail reform law. Just wear your mask while chewing please. She is worse than Paroh.


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