Hoenlein Says He Hopes Trump Acts to Address Anti-Semitism

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Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, has weighed in on reports of an alleged increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the U.S. in the last period.

Speaking in Yerushalayim yesterday, Hoenlein said, “I believe that the president helps set the tone for a country. …I am hopeful that what he said about addressing hatred and racism of all types in American society will be translated into clear action.”

{Matzav.com Israel News}


  1. Is this something new that I missed? Can anyone please post what anti-Semitism action that has occurred in Lakewood, Flatbush BP, Williamsburg, Monsey, New Square or any jewsih enclave over the past year that there needs to be this urgent question posed to the President? Yes there has always been anti Semitism and swastikas on shuls somewhere…If not Chicago then Cleveland then BP. nothing new.
    Please post if you know of a shul that burnt down chalila or violence against us chas v’shalom. Hashem should continue to protect us!
    Maybe I am living in a bubble… Pleas enlighten us and PLEASE if anyone knows of something that has occurred please post. Why did Turq feel the urgent need to ask this non applicable question to the President?!! Yes we all know eisav sonai es yackov… but what warrants the question?? the answer is the FAKE NEWS.

    • You are absolutely right.
      It seems that this “anti semitism” “concern” is the latest PC question that MUST be asked of any elected official regardless of their capacity. What is outrageous, is that NO ONE ever asked this question to Obama during the last 8 years. Not to him and to any other elected official! This is a new PC lie that was created by the evil corrupt DNC controlled media. If the Jewish reporters/Askanim fall for this gullible ploy, the next thing the media will feed you is the pro Palestinian anti Israeli propaganda. Mark my words.


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