House Speaker: We’re Working On Date For Netanyahu To Address Congress

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House Speaker Mike Johnson announced on Wednesday that he has been in discussions with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to arrange a date for Netanyahu to deliver a joint address to Congress, according to CNN.

Johnson stated, “Our formal letter will go out this week. And I’m happy to tell you that I think Chuck Schumer will be co-signing the letter that’s been a long time awaited, we’ve been awaiting that since mid-March. But I think he’ll sign on now. And then we’ll find a time that’s convenient for the prime minister and we’re happy to host him.”

On Tuesday, Johnson presented Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer with an ultimatum: either join his letter inviting Netanyahu to address Congress, or the House will extend the invitation independently.

Johnson told reporters that his office informed Schumer’s staff the day before that if Schumer does not sign the draft invitation by Tuesday, he will proceed with inviting Netanyahu to address only the House.

The Speaker also mentioned that senators would still be invited to attend the speech.

In response, Schumer affirmed his willingness to host the Israeli leader at the Capitol. “Yes,” Schumer said when asked if he supports Netanyahu addressing a joint session of Congress. He added, “I’m discussing that now with the Speaker of the House, and as I’ve always said, our relationship with Israel is ironclad and transcends any one Prime Minister or president.”

Netanyahu last addressed Congress in March 2015.

Schumer sparked controversy in March when he delivered a Senate floor speech criticizing Netanyahu, saying the Prime Minister had “lost his way” and calling him an “obstacle to peace.” Despite his past criticism, Schumer later indicated that he would not oppose Netanyahu speaking before Congress.




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