Eliyahu Haliwa, who turned out to be a Lebanese Muslim after marrying frum Syrian girl from Brooklyn, NY, says that he has stopped putting on tefillin because he knows he is not allowed to.
Eliyahu was interviewed on the radio by broadcaster Zev Brenner.
“I was wrong and did a lot of damage to the bride’s family,” he said, as he has before. “I’m not a victim, and not trying to be one. I just want another chance. I want to fix what happened.”
He added, “I want people to understand me, but unfortunately people respond that I deserve death. All the news networks wrote harsh things about me. I want to be a Jew. I really want to convert. I have a Jewish soul. I want to be ultra-Orthodox. I wanted to study Torah long before the wedding.”
Haliwa says that many people tell him things that are not true. He says that he wants to go to Israel to convert, and wants to be a Jew regardless of the woman he marries.
Regarding Shabbos, he says that he keeps Shabbos fully, including tefillos, Kiddush and all the seudos, but he makes sure to turn on a light and turn it off once during Shabbos, to be mechallel Shabbos, since he knows that a non-Jew is not allowed to keep Shabbos.
why is Matzav giving him any coverage – forget about him – he did the damage and have pity on the Yiddish girl
Why is this news ?
Who cares about this guy .
What a tzadik of a goy!
OMG. Can we move on from this nothing burger already? How many times can you beat a dead horse?
In other news, Intermarriage is out of control, and the bored heimishe media won’t discuss it. Oh, we have to bend over backwards and twist ourselves into pretzels in order to be dan licaf zchus these sinners. Oh, okay. Let’s get back to discussing to loh yutzlach losers. Okay.
I’m sure he’ll find someone in Israel to convert him thanks to the Rasha Kahana.
We must have patience with him.
Show me a source that says otherwise.
He’s a human that made a mistake.
Yes a serious one, but still a mistake.
If you listen to him he speaks about himself! he wouldn’t say her age because it’s private, well in Jewish life all your dating experience is private too, he says he will walk away from her if she personally tells him she doesn’t want anything with him but not the people around her until then he will Broadcast the story to the world to any reporter that wishes to speak with him, well there the first thing in Judaism is that you listen to the rabbis and yes they let you know what you are obligated to do and if in their community their Jewish leaders tell them not to marry convert then yes Walk Away das tohra Is a foundation in Judaism.
Listen to him the way he talks it’s about his lo.. a relationship comes with common goals ups and downs and a desire to reach the right thing dating someone for a couple of months does not create the lo.. story he portrays if he is so caught up in lo.. and after all said keeps the public entertained with the story’s ins and outs, come on where are your feelings for her?
If it’s just to respond/defending that you are not a terrorist speak about your life story what a tough life you had and why did something wrong stop there don’t speak details about her at all how you got to know her how long do you spend time with her how much she desired you all that is wrong to put out to the public guy it’s all about you! speak about yourself do not include anyone in your wrongdoings in order to defend yourself you don’t have to publicize information about anyone else to defend yourself!
don’t be a coward!
Just Shut up! I think people are trying to tell you the above when they call in and tell you shut up!
Missing the point. Is he vaccinated or not? Nothing else in life matters.
what is the go fund me link?