In First Likud Primary Event, Sa’ar Says Netanyahu Has ‘No Chance’ To Form Government

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Prominent Israeli lawmaker Gideon Sa’ar kick started his Likud primary campaign in a speech delivered Monday night, saying that incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “harmed” him and has “no chance” to form the next government.

Speaking in the central city of Or Yehuda, in front of an audience of some 1,000 Likud members, Sa’ar said “If we won’t make a change, we are very close to a left-wing government that will endanger the land of Israel.

“Such a government will foil the chance to push for a real reform in the judicial system, which is needed,” he added.

He further stated that “The decision is simple: Voting for me will guarantee the Likud remaining in power and forming a government led by us. Blue & White is praying that Netanyahu wins. Choosing Netanyahu is choosing the next head of the opposition.”

Read more at i24NEWS.




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