IT NEVER ENDS: Fauci Says Third Covid Shots Needed to Sidestep Winter ‘Double Whammy’

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The U.S. is heading toward a pandemic “double whammy” this winter, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, but it could still be avoided if enough people get a third vaccine shot. In an interview aired at the 2021 STAT Summit on Tuesday, the White House chief medical adviser warned that the combination of waning immunity among the vaccinated and the highly transmissible delta variant could cause trouble this winter.

Fauci said: “The somewhat unnerving aspect of it is that if you keep the level of dynamics of the virus in the community at a high level—obviously the people who are most vulnerable are the unvaccinated—but when you have a virus as transmissible as delta, in the context of waning immunity, that dynamic is going to negatively impact even the vaccinated people.” Fauci went on to say that he believes that booster doses of the COVID vaccine may become the standard for a “full” vaccination, adding: “A booster isn’t a luxury; a booster isn’t an add on.” Read more at ABC News.



  1. They want to keep us constantly masked and constantly vaxxed and probably into more lockdowns. It’s all about control, depopulating the planet and enslaving the masses to their global agenda.

  2. I hope the people start waking up and realizing soon enough that this criminal is out to kill as many people as possible, and thus, he pushes his vaccines that have no value. Hashem Yerachem if the 5-11 year olds get this shot; there will be heart attacks and heart failure and who knows what else on little children. Don’t we have enought tzoros already? Wake up people. This is a genocide.
    P.S. I noticed that when I send a comment, the owner of Matzav is not brave enough to publish it. Let’s see if this one gets published.

    • There are already hundreds of children who died of heart-attacks these last few weeks. (Ever heard of hundreds of children and young adults dying of heart attacks within 6 weeks?) Some were given these shots without parental approval in their public schools. But they say, “It’s coincidence. Nothing to do with the euthanasia jabs they received a few days / weeks earlier.” Only parents who hate their children would administer these death shots to them. Public school parents who don’t take their children out and homeschool them, hate their children equally as much.

  3. If Fauci, yimach shemo, is “predicting” a “double whammy”, obviously he has plans to release a new variant into the atmosphere, just as he had instructed the Wuhan lab to release the original corona virus 2 years ago. In 2017, he “predicted” that there will be a major breakthrough of something like an epidemic sometime during the Trump administration, it makes it quite obvious that this whole PLANdemic was pre-planned. That’s enough evidence to prove that whatever he “predicts” is coming this winter chas veshalom is pre-planned as well.


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