Jackson, NJ, Township Ordered Frum Resident to Take Down Sukkah in Midst of Yom Tov

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ben-attarJackson, NJ – What was supposed to be a happy Yom Tov for a local family is now quite the opposite, after a local township sent out a violation notice, telling the family to take down their sukkah, reports CBS.

“I never had such a thing in my life,” Isaac Ben-Attar told Eyewitness News.

Isaac Ben-Attar lives in Jackson, New Jersey, and he told Eyewitness News he is fuming over a violation that demands he take down his sukkah.

The violation notice told Ben-Attar to take down the sukkah by October 9th. “Failure to make the necessary corrections may result in a summons and additional fines.”

“I was just wondering if someone would decide to put his X-mas tree in the deck, if it’s going to get such a violation. It’s a holiday. I’m sure they know what Sukkah means,” he said.

The violation mentions the word “sukkah.” Ben-Attar said township officials should know it is only temporary.

“It’s a tent and it’s coming down. It’s like the tent I bought from Costco over there to storage my stuff. What’s the difference?” he said.

{CB Frommer-Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. The comply date was by 10/9/15. So nuu, take it down after Yom tov and shalom al Yisroel.
    If you don’t see a difference between a sukkah, a tent, and and x-mas tree, you might be blind or inept.

  2. This is just a true version of the old joke from NYC, where the inspectors from Department of Buildings is walking down the street on Erev Succos and sees a SUkkah. He tracks down the homeowner and informs him that he has 10 days to “take this thing down”.
    The headline is completely misleading!

  3. This time he was given till Oct. 9, which is after the chag. But if this is allowed to continue, who says they’ll give that time frame next time. No, we don’t have to accept this. There are rules to be followed. But there are also rules that are used as a means of discrimination. And that’s wrong.

  4. Was it placed on his own property? Or was it built on a common property maybe belonging to a condominium?
    And did he take down his succah down last year within 2-3 days or schlep it for 2 months?

  5. While I’m sure the motives are anti semitic, it is understandable that Jackson is afraid to become another Lakewood. That means they enjoy the space between houses and the practically rural feel and don’t want to become a big, crowded city that Lakewood became. Unfortunately, zoning laws and anything that used to make Lakewood a nice, spacious, quiet town have gone out the window. That’s life. B”H the frum community is growing and that’s what happens. Even Boro Park used to be nice a long time ago. I can understand that Jackson, Toms River and other nearby towns, don’t want that to happen to them.

  6. On one hand, I understand the anger at Jackson Township.
    On the other hand, they did give him until today to take it down.
    On the Gripping Hand – it’s a cute story! It makes me smile as, it does indeed make true that old joke about Code Compliance giving you 10 days to take down the unlawful hut you built!
    It’s fun to let the beautiful chag linger on in our lives as we get back to the serious business of perusing the Internet!
    And to all a gut bentch yar!

  7. everyone in my family proudly displays a copy of the violation notice my grandparents got many years ago in crown heights. the judge deliberately gave them 2 weeks to remove the offending structure because he knew the holiday would be over by them. it seems this notice did exactly the same. it placated the neighbors and gave the homeowner 2 days to take it down, so why the fuss?

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