Jordan: No Tefillin Allowed

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Seven Israeli insurance agents planning to vacation in Jordan were told at the border that they must leave their tefillin behind to ensure their personal safety.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry warns on its website that Jordanian authorities request religious Israelis not to display talleisim, yarmulkes, and suchlike, and notes that Israelis are often barred from transporting items such as tallis and tefillin over the border.

{ Israel}


  1. What’s wrong if they put on tallis and teffilin in the privacy of their hotel room?

  2. Why would anyone want to vacation in such hostile environment?

    One can imagine the outcry if Israel barred Muslim religious objects at the border.

  3. Are you sure they’re Jordanians? Sounds like Zionists – see next article.

    Israel’s Foreign Ministry warns… but are pleased.

  4. In which country in the Middle East do Arabs have the most freedom? You guessed it. In Israel. But the Soviet Socialist Republic of Jordan has other rules. Never mind. Israel is an Apartheid state. Gaza is a Paradise. And who will bring peace and stability into the world if not the United Nations?

  5. Perhaps, maybe, the Jordanians are looking to avoid any “international incident” if some savage in the hotel sees the Tefillin or something and gets upset about that.

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