Jordan’s King Warns Annexation To Put Israel On Course To ‘Massive Conflict’

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King Abdullah II of Jordan warned that Israel will set off on a course to a “massive conflict” with the Hashemite kingdom if it goes ahead with the plans to apply sovereignty to West Bank areas under the Peace to Prosperity plan by President Trump.

In an interview for Germany’s Der Spiegel, published Friday, the king refused to explicitly say that the move would torpedo the Israeli-Jordanian peace treaty — but did not deny that either, saying that the country was “considering all options.”

His Majesty warned that annexation would plunge the region into “chaos and extremism,” possibly bringing the Palestinian Authority down.

Read more at i24NEWS.



  1. In 1948 Jordan invaded and captured the West Bank and East Yerushalayim, destroyed shuls they had captured, then illegally annexed it all.
    In 1967 Jordan launched another war of aggression against Israel but lost, thereby losing all territory west of the Jordan River.
    And nowadays Jordan has the nerve to warn Israel against making what has been part of Eretz Yisroel for millennia a part of the state? This level of chutzpa falls into the “You can’t make this up” category.

  2. Ridiculous! This is the country that is refusing to extradite the Sbarro murderer.The country that may have a “peace” treaty with Israel but whose population is violently anti-Semitic.Israel is what is keeping Hussein and his monarchy in place and propped up with favorable water concessions, etc.The U.S. keeps Jordan’s economy running with billions of dollars of aid.How dare he threaten Israel!

    • Mamala, you got it wrong. Hussein has long ago kicked the bucket. He is gone. DEAD. The current king is his son, Abdullah.

  3. Hussein is unelected head of state. His family dynasty goes back generations.
    His palestinian citizens looking to overthrow him.


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