HUGE WIN: Judge: Jackson Township’s Ordinances Discriminate Against Orthodox Jews

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Jackson Township’s ordinances banning schools and eruvim are unconstitutional, District Court Judge Michael A. Shipp has ruled, imposing a preliminary injunction against the ordinances.

The ruling, which comes as a part of Agudath Israel’s four-year-old lawsuit against Jackson Township, forces Jackson officials to allow frum Jews to submit for permits and approvals for the construction of schools and eruvim in Jackson Township.

While the injunction is only preliminary and subject to a final order from the court, Judge Shipp is expected to keep the injunction in place upon his final ruling, effectively ending Jackson Township’s discriminatory ordinances.



  1. Weren’t Shuls a major part of this issue? The article clearly talks about schools and eruvin. I can hear Shuls being an issue because they open very early and close very late and there’s activity there 7 days a week whereas schools are much less of a quality of life hindrance.

    • 3:01, Learn to differentiate between real reasons and manipulative excuses. There was never any rational reason for the Jackson Township old-timers to create a beef with the religious Jews. The evil goyim understood

        • Dear 2:20am nocturnal fool, I don’t know about how noisy your church is, but by us Jews – our local neighborhood shuls are generally on the low end of the decibel scale.

  2. 3:01, Learn to differentiate between real reasons and manipulative excuses. There was never any rational reason for the Jackson Township old-timers to create a beef with the religious Jews. Even shuls are not really a source of any significant noise hazzard, at least 99% of the time. It was just pure irrational hatred of religious Jews. The evil goyim understood the significance of yeshivos and eiruvin to the frum community, hence they attacked those strategic items, even though it did not fall under the original “quality of life” excuse.

    • 7:59, we got it: your own gluteus maximus is the only thing that matters to you, and you don’t believe in a concept of Am Yisroel.

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