Kleinerman Family Visits Meron • Commissioner: “Our Assumption is Moishy’s Alive”

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The police operation to find Moishy Kleinerman, the 16-year-old boy from Modi’in Illit who has been missing for more than 100 days, continues.

The police have been operating around the clock and with large forces in searching for Moishy, and at the same time many investigations are being carried out, most of them confidential.

The police are in constant contact with the Kleinerman family, who are updated on developments as far as the investigation allows.

The police commissioner said in assessing the situation: “We will not let go until we understand what happened to Moishy and where he is. The Israel Police, as in any case of a missing person, certainly one who is at risk, is investing a great deal of effort in trying to locate him.”

Meanwhile, yesterday, members of Moishy’s family went to Kever Rashbi in Meron, the last place he was seen, to daven and to met with the police officers operating in the area of Har Mount Meron.

משפחת קליינרמן במירון


משפחת קליינרמן במירון


משפחת קליינרמן במירון


משפחת קליינרמן במירון
משפחת קליינרמן במירון
משפחת קליינרמן במירון


משפחת קליינרמן במירון


משפחת קליינרמן במירוןמשפחת קליינרמן במירון


משפחת קליינרמן במירון

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Saw the picture of Rabbi Kleinerman and a bareheaded police officer shaking hands and smiling at each other !
    That’s what Ahavas Yisroel is all about ! Too bad it took such an incident to bring it ! Hashem Y’racheim !

  2. Catch your children doing something right!
    Kiss each of your children!
    Praise their efforts; hug them!
    Catch your spouse doing something right!
    Celebrate your every small victory; this will lead to greater victories!
    Count your blessings!
    Have a true Shabbos Yom Menucha!


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