Lakewood Couple Celebrates Birth of Baby One Year After Promise from Rav Chaim if Husband Would Grow a Beard

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R’ Yaakov Moshe and Chaya Blimie Schreiber are residents of Lakewood, New Jersey. Yesterday, the Schreibers celebrated the birth of a daughter after eleven-and-a-half years since the birth of their only other child, following a promise made by Rav Chaim Kanievsky.

A year ago, R’ Yaakov Moshe visited Rav Chaim and told him that a year prior to that, he had asked for a bracha to have another child, and Rav Chaim promised him that if he would begin using wine for Havdalah each Motzoei Shabbos, he would be zoche to a yeshuah. R’ Yaakov Moshe told Rav Chaim that he had followed the directive but had not yet seen a yeshuah. Rav Chaim thought for a moment and told him to grow beard and peyos. “Does the rov give a havtacha (promise)?” asked R’ Yaakov Moshe. Rav Chaim said he does.

Last night, R’ Yaakov Moshe and Chaya Blimie celebrated the birth of a baby daughter, one year after the conversation with Rav Chaim.

The Schreibers reside in the Martin Luther King Drive neighborhood of Lakewood. R’ Yaakov Moshe is known as a talented chazzan and baal tefillah. Here, his tefillos were answered following the hadracha of the gadol hador.

Watch the video of R’ Yaakov Moshe speaking to Rav Chaim:




  1. A wonderful story!

    It calls for a milsa dibidichusa, which brought me a chuckle when I thought of it:

    Mr. Weinstock a”h of Meal Mart was a very loyal chosid of the Satmar Rav zt”l, the Divrei Yoel., albeit a CLEAN-SHAVEN chosid.
    Once the Rebbe was by him for Shabbos, and after the Rebbe finished havdalah Mr. Weinstock drank from the wine. The Rebbe inquired why Mrs. Weinstock didn’t drink from it as well. She answered that women don’t drink havdalah wine because it is said that they will grow a beard if they drink it.

    The Rebbe quipped: You don’t have to worry about that. Your husband drinks it, and it didn’t affect him!

    So maybe Reb Chaim’s intention a whole time was the beard, just it didn’t work, so he told him outright to.just grow it!

  2. He asked 4 sons not daughters if u watch the vid clearly, he says sons, so r u sure it was a daughter, it sounds like he already had a daughter, so what’s the real story

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