Lakewood: Downtown George Floyd Protest Takes Place on Shabbos Without Incident (Videos and Photos)

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A protest that took place on Shabbos in Lakewood, NJ over the death of George Floyd involved no serious incidents, vandalism or looting, boruch Hashem.

Approximately 400 people took place in the march down Clifton Avenue. The organizers included a high school teacher who wrote online that there will no change until “bloodshed” arises and allegedly posted anti-Semitic messages on Facebook. That teacher, 24-year-old Marquis Oliver, is a 2013 graduate of Lakewood High School who claims that his online page was hacked and that he never wrote those messages.

Oliver was reported by some outlets to be a teacher for the Lakewood School District, but Lakewood Board of Ed attorney Michael Inzelbuch told before Shabbos that Oliver does not work for the Lakewood School District nor is he a substitute teacher for Source 4 Teachers, the district’s substitute provider, as some have said. He applied twice with Source 4 Teachers, but never completed the required paperwork.

The Lakewood Vaad and other askanim expressed their support for the event, though the frum community was warned before Shabbos to leave their radios on, set to 107.9 FM for any emergency messages should they be necessary. Boruch Hashem, they were not.

The protest was held along Clifton Avenue, beginning at 9th Street and Clifton Avenue and ending at Lakewood Town Square.

A number of frum Lakewood residents were seen joining in the march down Clifton Avenue, shoulder to shoulder with Black Lives Matter activists.

The protest had no violence, with no arrests or reports of injuries or property damage, Lakewood Police Chief Gregory Meyer said.

One storeowner in the down town vicinity told that he did find an anti-Semitic message on his property and that there was clearly an attempt to enter his establishment, though, he said, it wasn’t serious.

The local community was unsure of how the protest would play out, knowing about the violent protests across America this past week. Storeowners removed all cash, valuables and inventory from their stores and boarded up their storefronts.

Lakewood Capt. Gregory Staffordsmith said that the Police Department, with the help of community liaisons, was prepared for the event.

“We thank the Lakewood Police Department for being out there and doing a great job maintaining order,” a storeowner told “The department, led by Police Chief Meyer, are exemplary public servants and we are deeply grateful for all they do and especially for their presence this weekend.”

The Lakewood Police Department released the following statement to “The Lakewood Police Department would like to take this opportunity to recognize all who attended today’s peaceful protest to honor George Floyd Jr. Several hundred participants were joined by Township Officials, Mayor Raymond Coles, Police Chief Gregory Meyer and Ocean County Prosecutor Brad Billhimer as they marched down Clifton Avenue just after 1 pm. Once arriving in the center of town, the large crowd, with many different backgrounds but bonded by a common cause, gathered together in Red Square where many had the opportunity to have their voices heard. The gathering lasted until just after 3pm when the crowd peacefully dispersed without incident.

“The Lakewood Police Department would like to thank the Lakewood Township Committee, The Lakewood Board of Education, The Lakewood Chapter of The NAACP, our Federal, State, County and Local counterparts, the Lakewood Fire Department and EMS, our volunteer organizations, but most of all our residents, outside participants and the organizers of today successful and meaningful event.”


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  1. Is it an optical illusion, or are there some “religious” feeble-minded “kidush H = goyishe approval” collaborators in the video? Shows the priorities: not a peek when our shuls and yeshivos were illegally shot down, then protesting when our enemies get mistreated. Great job, nitwits!

    • i dunno bout you but when someone feels mistreated you dont try to talk down at them, first you show them that you are on their side, that you also appose their mistreatment. Only when you are a friend can you have a constructive conversation about the facts.
      We are trying to be at peace with our neighbors, not antagonize. It is no big deal to show your support for a peaceful protest, why WOULDNT you do it?
      And about our shuls being closed… again, go back to the part that says “living in peace and not antagonizing our neighbors”. So grow up dude
      And in case you feel that concept is incorrect, perhaps you should remember that it was one of 3 shvuos made with HKBH when Klal Yisroel was sent to galus.
      (of course, the exact paramiters of what that constitutes should be decided by daas Torah, and I, not having been told to go by my daas torah, did not. But neither did my daas Torah tell me to protest anything else, So you who are saying this stuff are pulling out of your “boich”)

      • Greetings Sammy sitting at your mom’s basement at 12:15 AM and typing stupid comments! All I can say is that your “logic” is only matched by your inability to form coherent sentences. Why don’t you get out of the house and take a refreshing midnight stroll through Newark; hopefully you’ll get your Darwin Award, you dumbo.

  2. The reason why there was no violance was because the alarm was sounded by one individual in Lakewood which got the Jewish Business owners and residents to put alot of pressure on the Lakewood Askanim to put pressure on the Township and police which put together a heavy Police presence with Swat Canine Dogs Sherrifs FBI etc. With Meetings with the protests organizers and all stores boarded up… so the outside agitators and Trouble makers realized there would not be and easy loot to take or Fun to be had ..just arrests and Jail time.. so they kept it peaceful

  3. There was nothing to steal as the storeowners took out the valuables. The major stores looted in Manhattan did not have a chance and so there was a looting spree.

  4. Keep kidding yourselves, Lakewood.
    This was not bad.
    But the WOKE mob will be there again , and again. They’re destroying America and the big corporations and politicians are caving in big time. You’re not safe there , or anywhere .Go Home !!!!!!!

    • To El Al, can’t go home while the judenrat is usurping the political power. The Israeli judenrat doesn’t care for such trivial things as democracy, is on the collision course with all that is good, and will never give away the power peacefully. I don’t think our community is prepared for such eventuality. Gotta eat your Wheaties *before* you start up with big bullies.

  5. Sammy:
    Did Daas Torah tell you to be nasty?
    You don’t have to bash people who have differing opinions to yours. Instead of trying so hard to appease the non-Jews, perhaps you should try to be nicer to your own people too.

    • lol seriously?
      did you see what the guy i responded to wrote?
      and your calling me out for bashing? thats a little light headed of you no?

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