Lapid Reprimands: “Do Not Say ‘Arab Terrorism,” Bennett Replies: “They Should Stop Paying Terrorists”

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After the murderous terror attack in Bnei Brak, prime Minsiter Naftali Bennett issued a statement calling for the eradication of the murderous Arab terror that is sweeping Israel.

According to a report on News 12, the phrase he used – “Arab terrorism” – led to a confrontation with Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, who claimed that the Americans do not approve of such expressions.

“Restraint must be maintained,” the foreign minister reprimanded Bennett at a limited security assessment meeting. “It is not right to use terms like ‘Arab terrorism.’ The Americans defend [themselves] and the Palestinians will defend [themselves].”

Bennett replied: “Condemnations are nice and good, but we need action. If they would stop paying salaries to terrorists who murder Jews, I will be happier about that than a mere condemnation.”

Lapid’s office later clarified that the criticism was not directed at Bennett per se, but at all the participants in the meeting.

Although both sides ostensibly try to maintain a unified front, it is clear that the comments highlight the different approaches of Bennett and Lapid when it comes to the Palestinian issue.

{ Israel}


  1. What happened to Bennett’s facial mask above? And why are they using a fatter and shorter actor to play his part?

  2. What does Lapid mean when he says, ““It is not right to use terms like ‘Arab terrorism.’ THE AMERICANS DEFEND THEMSELVES AND THE PALESTINIANS WILL DEFEND THEMSELVES.”
    Is he defending Palestinian terror?! That’s incredible!


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