Letter: Rabbonim in Yerushalayim Speak Out on Skyrocketing Apartment Rental Prices

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  1. Ananei ircha kodem! How about right here in Flatbush?! When will these arrogant greedy landlords be reigned in?!

    • What makes them arrogant and greedy? They are selling a product just like the supermarket. Spew your outrage against the supermarket owners who are charging ridiculous prices for the basics we need.

  2. Friend of mine is in the yerushalayim apartment rental business, he says people are willing to pay 18,000 – 20,000 for a large nicer 4 bedroom for sukkos.

  3. Sorry, folks. Wake up and remember that both the US and Israel are free-market economies. For the most part, there are no price controls, and prices fluctuate based on supply and demand.

    Owners of residential rental properties can’t be “reeled in”. They have the right to charge anything the market bears. If Shimon offers to pay 2,000 NIS per month and Levy is willing to pay 2,500 NIS per month, the landlord has no obligation to accept the lesser offer.

    As “Mt” comments above: No one complains about paying $25 per pound for water and flour baked for 18 minutes. No one complains when on the first day of Nissan the price of chickens jumps from 7.70 NIS per kg to 9.65 NIS per kg.

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