Likud Files Complaint Against Ehud Barak

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On Sunday, the Likud Party lodged a formal report with the police, urging an investigation into former Prime Minister Ehud Barak for alleged offenses of “incitement, seditious publications, and undermining the principles of law and societal harmony.”

The complaint arose in response to Barak’s remarks made during a demonstration against judicial reform on Kaplan Street in Tel Aviv on Motzoei Shabbos. He asserted, “We must escalate our struggle and turn to acts of civil disobedience. I urge every citizen to prepare themselves for this trial of civil disobedience and to heed the call when it arises.”

In the complaint against Barak, it is stated, “Despite Barak’s attempt to veil the criminal nature of his statements by using terms like ‘non-violent’ and ‘civil disobedience,’ such expressions do not alter the fundamental essence of an act that advocates lawlessness, instigates violence, and undermines the principles of legal governance and social order within our nation.”

{ Israel }


  1. This Barak dog must be imprisoned. He is a clear and present danger to the Yidden of Eretz Yisroel. He has turned into a provocateur.


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